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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: 14 new houseguests begin the battle for half a million dollars! Two seven person alliances have already formed! The Lucky Seven alliance - Gavin, Siobhan, Sergio, Jameson, Travis, Zoe and Luna! And the Siete alliance - Catarina, Candy, Miko, Mitchell, Summer, Marcus and Akira! After a long and strainious Head Of Household competition, Miko became the first HOH of the summer! Miko asked all of the houseguests one by one to see who they want on the block this week! Gavin, Travis and Jameson also create a three person alliance called Three's Company! Candy, Summer and Catarina also made a three person alliance called CSC! At the nomination ceremony, Miko nominates Jameson and Luna for eviction! Jameson and Miko decided to have a side alliance called The Unusual Pair, while Luna is creating a war path and causing drama in the house! Miko, Jameson, Luna, Catarina, Summer and Sergio played in the Power of Veto competition! Miko won the first Power of Veto of the season! Miko kept her end of the promise to Jameson and decided to use the power of veto on Jameson and named Zoe as a replacement nominee! Jameson talked with his alliance members and kept his end of the promise by evicting Luna!

TONIGHT: Who will be the first houseguest to leave the Big Brother house, Luna or Zoe? Find out on this episode of Big Brother 4!


*In the HOH room*

*Akira, Mitchell, Marcus and Miko are sitting in the HOH room. Miko is doing her makeup while Akira, Mitchell and Marcus are eating snacks*

Marcus: "One of us need to win HOH next week. We need to remain in power."

Akira: "I really wanna win it this week! I have a target in mind and a plan."

Mitchell: "Ooo, we have an over achiever in the group."

*Marcus and Miko both laugh*

*Akira walks over to where Miko is doing her makeup*

Akira: "You are so beautiful."

*Miko blushes*

Miko: "Thank you, Akira. I love compliments."

Akira: "You're welcome! Hey, would you like to have a little date outside sometime? I would love that."

*Miko blushes*

Miko: "Maybe..."

*Akira blushes*

Akira: "Good. I'll see you later then."

*Akira kisses Miko's cheek before walking to where Mitchell and Marcus are sitting. Mitchell is shocked by Akira's behavior but can't say anything. Marcus gets out of the HOH bed*

Marcus: "See you guys at the eviction!"

*Akira and Marcus leave the HOH room*

Miko: "Well, that was awkward."

Mitchell: "That's for damn sure! I can't believe he doesn't get the freaking hint!"

Miko: *whispers* "He can't figure out we are together, remember? Nobody can find out for a few more weeks."

Mitchell: "I know but at least figure out that we are a showmance! And you said yes?

Miko: *whispers* "I couldn't decline him, it would look suspicious Mitch. I promise I'm not into Akira at all."

Mitchell: "That's true. I love you."

*Mitchell hugs Miko tightly and kisses her*

Miko: *whispers* "I love you too."

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