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Here is last week's standings if you missed it!
HOH: Gavin
NOMS: Candy & Marcus
POV: Jameson
POST VETO NOMS: Candy & Marcus
EVICTED: Marcus (7-0)
SHOWMANCES: Miko & Mitchell, Gavin, Jameson & Travis. Summer & Akira.
ALLIANCES: Three's Company: (Gavin, Jameson and Travis), Perfect 10 (Travis, Gavin, Jameson, Miko and Mitchell), The Unusual Pair: (Jameson and Miko), Tres: (Candy, Summer and Akira)
DISBANDED ALLIANCES: The Lucky Seven: (Gavin, Siobhan, Sergio, Jameson and Travis) Seite: (Candy, Miko, Mitchell, Summer, Marcus and Akira) CSC: (Candy, Summer and Catarina)

DAY 33

*In the Diary Room*

*Miko walks into the Diary room*

Congratulations, Miko! You and Mitchell have both survived the first four evictions of the season!

Miko: "Thank you so much!"

For surviving the first four eviction you have won $10,000 dollars! Congratulations again!

Miko: "I'm so glad I won this! Thank you!"

*Mitchell walks into the Diary room next*

Congratulations, Mitchell! You and Miko have both survived the first four evictions of the season!

Mitchell: "Thank you!"

For surviving the first four eviction you have won $10,000 dollars! Congratulations again!

Mitchell: "Woohoo! Thank you so much!"

*Siobhan walks into the Diary room next*

Congratulations, Siobhan! You have survived the first four evictions of the season!

Siobhan: "I am very thankful to have this opportunity!"

For surviving the first four eviction you have won $10,000 dollars! Congratulations again!

Siobhan: "Oh my gosh! I get to have the money despite Sergio being expelled

Yes, you still did the requirements to receive the $10,000 dollars.

Siobhan: "Yay! Thank you so much!"

DR: Siobhan: "I am so thankful that I was able to still received the $10,000 despite Sergio getting expelled from the game. Now, I gotta keep this money hidden from the other houseguests. If they know I won money, they will evict me immediately. I can't have that happen."

DR: Miko: "Mitchell and I won $10,000 each! So $20,000 dollars in total! Mitchell and I still wanna keep this and our relationship a secret.

*In the Lounge*

*Gavin, Jameson and Travis are all sitting together*

Gavin: "I really want one of you to win HOH today. We gotta evict Candy or Summer this week. I wish I could play in the HOH competition this week."

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