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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: After the first eviction of the season, Luna was evicted 11-0. After a fact checking head of household competition, Siobhan won HOH, giving her alliance The Lucky Seven an advantage! Siobhan worries that her relationship with Sergio was exposed to Zoe but it wasn't! Miko tells Jameson to tell Siobhan to nominate Catarina and Summer for eviction! Gavin, Jameson and Travis decide to be in a polyamorous relationship, the first in Big Brother history!

TONIGHT: Who will Siobhan nominate for eviction? All this and more on Big Brother 4!

DAY 10

*In the HOH room*

*Jameson and Siobhan are sitting in the HOH bed together. Siobhan is putting her hair up on a bun while Jameson grabs the Oreos that are in Siobhan's snack box."

Jameson: *whispers* "Can I have some of these?"

Siobhan: *whispers* "Sure! I ate plenty! I only wanted a few and of course Big Brother gives me a huge pack." *laughs*

Jameson: *whispers* "So, have you thought about nominations at all?"

Siobhan: *whispers* "Nope! I seriously have no idea on who to nominate this week. This position is like the hardest ever, because if I nominate the wrong people, I can possibly go home next week. I don't wanna be a statistic and end up leaving the week after my HOH reign."

Jameson: *whispers* "That's true! You don't wanna end up like that. All of the Big Brother fans make fun of you, online."

Siobhan: *whispers* "Seriously! They are freaking vicious online!"

*Siobhan and Jameson laugh loudly*

Siobhan: *whispers* "Do you have any ideas for nominations? My brain is literal mush right now."

Jameson: *whispers* "I do actually!"

Siobhan: *whispers* "Oo, who? Who?"

Jameson: *whispers* " Summer and Catarina. They are floaters and don't do anything in the house except cause drama."

Siobhan: *whispers* "I was thinking Catarina. She annoys me so fucking much."

*Jameson giggles*

Jameson: "She's okay! Summer annoys me more then Catarina does. Summer is just too flirty."

Siobhan: *whispers* "Summer literally is a flirting machine. She flirts nonstop and doesn't play the Big Brother game to me."

Jameson: *whispers* "I think nominating Catarina and Summer will give you less or even no blood on your hands for your HOH reign. You just need to make sure Candy and Akita don't play in the power of veto competition Akira has a huge crush on Summer and they may be a showmance in the future. Candy is Catarina and Summer bff, so she would save one of them if she won the power of veto."

Siobhan: *whispers* "You are right. Summer and Catarina sounds like the best choice for nominees!"

*Siobhan hugs Jameson*

Siobhan: *whispers* "Thank you so much for helping me figure out the nominees for this week! You helped me out a lot! I owe this to you!"

Jameson: *whispers* "You're welcome, Siobhan! You know, you can always trust me! I'm always here to help you out."

Siobhan: *whispers* "I definitely trust you!"

Jameson: *whispers* "Good! Well, I will see you later. I'm going to see what Gavin and Travis are doing downstairs."

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