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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: Sergio was expelled from the Big Brother game after an almost violent confrontation with Siobhan and Travis. Marcus was the fifth houseguest evicted from the Big Brother game by a landslide vote of 7-0. The four pre-jury houseguests - Luna, Catarina, Zoe and Marcus all fought for the second chance to come back and play the Big Brother game! After two rounds of crazy competition, Zoe won the pre-jury battle back competition and is now back into the Big Brother game!

TONIGHT: Who will Miko nominate for eviction? All this and more on this episode of Big Brother 4!

DAY 34

*By the Hammock*

*Siobhan and Zoe are laying in the hammock together*

DR: Zoe: "I am kinda developing some feelings for Siobhan and I never felt feelings for a girl before!"

Zoe: "You look so pretty today, Siobhan."

*Siobhan blushes and smiles at Zoe*

Siobhan: "Aww! Thank you, Zoe! You are very pretty too."

*Zoe blushes and smiles at Siobhan*

Zoe: "Thank you!"

DR: Siobhan: "Zoe is making me feel a way that I actually never really felt when I was dating Sergio. I never had feelings like this for a girl before."

*In the HOH room*

*Miko and Mitchell are both sitting together in the HOH bed while Jameson is sitting on the HOH couch*

Miko: "Who do you guys think I should nominate for eviction this week? I honestly have no idea on who to nominate. This isn't week one anymore and this HOH reign is so more important. Like this could ruin or help my gameplay and our gameplay."

Mitchell: "Akira definitely needs to go on the block this week. I know we are friends with him Miko, but he could be a threat to our games in the near future."

Miko: "I don't know how Akira could be a threat to any of us since he doesn't have the numbers if he won HOH in the future. But Akira could be a nominee but not the target this week."

Jameson: "Summer definitely causes a lot of tension in the house with her flirty behavior. She keeps flirting with Travis despite Travis being in a throuple with Gavin and I. Gavin can't fucking stand Summer at all."

Miko: "Summer does cause a lot of issues in the house as a whole. She tried to flirt with Marcus as well and I'm really surprised that Candy wants to work with her."

Mitchell: "I don't know what Akira sees in Summer to be completely honest. Probably just for sex. Something about Siobhan I can't trust. She is just too quiet for me. Zoe is too quiet too. Maybe we can nominate one of them with either Akira or Summer."

DR: Jameson: "I absolutely cannot have Mitchell messing with Siobhan and Zoe right now. Siobhan is an amazing player! She has won HOH before and she has been through a lot in this game! Zoe is a quiet player but she got backdoored for no reason and she fought back to get into this game! They cannot go home right now. They are allies for our alliance and help us with votes every week."

Jameson: "I think Zoe is really harmless to us and our game. I also think that Siobhan is harmless as well but she just doesn't talk with all of us much. Siobhan and Zoe are both shy girls. However, they always vote with us every eviction and they never voted away from us and thats huge. They are the numbers we need for right now."

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