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PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: After the third eviction of the season, Zoe was evicted by a very close vote of 5-4 causing Marcus' side of the house to be feel blindsided! After a nail biting question and answer HOH competition, Gavin is the new HOH, giving the The Perfect 10, The Unusual Pair and Three's Company the advantage this week! Before the new week can even start, Sergio looses it on Siobhan, blaming her for ruining his Big Brother Game. Travis and Sergio then get into a very heated confrontation - causing Big Brother to get involved! Sergio gets EXPELLED from the game! Gavin gets pay back and nominates Candy and Marcus for eviction!

TONIGHT: Who will win the power of veto? And will it be used to save either Candy or Marcus from eviction? All this and more on Big Brother 4!

DAY 28

*In the HOH room*

*Gavin, Jameson and Travis are all sitting on the HOH bed, while Miko, Mitchell and Siobhan sit on the couch*

Gavin: *whispers* "Okay, so my goal this week during my HOH is to evict Marcus. Marcus tried to evict Travis last week and that was not cool to me at all. I feel like if we don't evict Marcus now, we will have trouble evicting him."

Travis: *whispers* "Candy is an issue too. She has a mouth."

Jameson: *whispers* "We can always evict Candy. It won't be that hard honestly."

Siobhan: *whispers* "Sergio voted against us last week. I think he figured out that I voted with you guys and got out and got mad. I'm really sorry."

Gavin: *whispers* "Siobhan, you should vote how you wanna vote. Fuck Sergio. He is crazy and doesn't deserve you at all, girl."

Mitchell: *whispers* "Marcus is a really nice guy to hang out with and to talk to, but he is a threat. He wanted to break the trio up."

Miko: *whispers* "Candy just kinda annoys me, but I rather have her winner of a man go then evict her first. Candy hasn't won a single thing thus far, while Marcus has. So he is s bigger threat in my opinion.

Gavin: *whispers* "Yeah, so this is why Marcus is my target this week. Obviously is Marcus wins the veto, we need to vote candy out. I don't think Marcus can play a good game without Candy."

Mitchell: *whispers* "I agree with that. Marcus wouldn't know what to do without Candy."

Miko: *whispers* "Marcus has Akira too. Akira is a huge ally for him."

Travis: *whispers* "Yeah, he is but Akira is a floater who just sleeps with Summer." 

Gavin: *whispers* "If I get players choice, who wants to play in the veto?"

Mitchell: *whispers* "I wanna play!"

Gavin: *whispers* "Okay, I'll pick you then Mitchell. Either way, I think this week is going to be amazing."

Siobhan: *whispers* "Big Brother always says expect the unexpected. I hope nobody ruins your plan for the week."

*Siobhan giggles, Jameson, Travis, Miko, Mitchell all laugh*

Gavin: *whispers* "Oh my gosh I hope not! I would seriously have a meltdown!"

DR: Gavin: "Our alliance is so strong and so tight. I'm loving this! I hope my HOH week works out perfectly for me!"

DR: Jameson: "I am so glad I became close with Miko and Mitchell! They just follow our lead and are great voters, sticking to our plan. I hope this partnership can help me in the long run and maybe help me win this thing."

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