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*Finale night is FINALLY here! Thank you for reading this first season of Sims Big Brother!
hoped you guys really enjoyed it! Maybe a season five will come! Expect the unexpected!*

DAY 77


Miko, since you won part 3, you are now in the final 2! You must pick who will be sitting next to you!

Miko: "Hey guys! Hey, JJ and Gav! I just first wanna say that WE MADE IT! We made it to the final three and this is what we wanted and planned. I remember our first ever alliance meeting we had that was at 3am in the lounge and all of our plans came out basically the way we wanted it except a few things! I am so grateful to work with two men who treated me with respect, who helped me no matter what and love me for me and not because I was smart or because I won competitions. You two are the sweetest guys I have ever met since i met my boyfriend Mitchell and I am very grateful that I have you two as some new friends in life. We killed the game and we should be proud about that. Both of you played such phenomenal Big Brother games and both of you played the game differently! I think it is awesome that we are the final three! I honestly wish I can pick both of you to sit next to me in the final two because I definitely would because I love you two very much! However, I have made a decision and this has been the hardest one ever. Gavin, I am really sorry, but I have to evict you and bring Jameson to the final two with me. We had a final two deal and I couldn't break this deal."

Gavin, it is official, you are the last person to be evicted from the Big Brother house.

Gavin: "Don't worry Miko, I am not mad! You deserve this!"

*Gavin hugs and kisses Jameson and then he hugs Miko*

Gavin: "I love you guys! I will see you both in a few minutes!"

*Miko and Jameson both giggle and smile at Gavin*

Miko: "Bye, Gavin!"

Jameson: "Bye, babe! Love you!"

Gavin: "Love you too, baby!"

*Gavin then walks out of the Big Brother house*

*Jameson and Miko hug each other tightly*

Jameson: "Thank you for choosing me, Miko! This is a dream come true for me!"

*Jameson and Miko hug each other tightly*

Miko; "You're welcome, Jameson! We had a final two deal and I had to stick with it! That's a type of person I am."

*Jameson smiles and hugs Miko again*


Miko & Jameson, you two will have one more chance to persuade the jury to vote for you to win the 500,000 dollars!

Miko you can go first!

Miko: "Hi, jury members! I first wanna say congratulations on all of us on making it seventy seven days without technology, family contact, our jobs and our lives in the outside world. We all did it! I also wanna say that I played this game the best way I could and the best way to get me to where I am today which is the final two. All fourteen of us had the same goal, which was winning half a million dollars. All of us needed that money for some reason or another. Yes, I played both sides of the house through out the Big Brother game. Yes, I lied to people and I hid some details about my personal life. Yes, I lied about knowing Mitchell before this game, being his girlfriend and winning money with him. It was not my intention at all on using it as a game advantage. I played the game like all of you and I just got lucky. It was just a twist that we were apart of and we completed the first part of the twist but failed to get the second one. I absolutely value you all and I respect your choices on whether or not you vote for me to win, but I hope the majority of you make the decision to vote for me to win this game. Thank you."

Thank you, Miko! Jameson, it is now your turn.

Jameson: "Hello, jury! I first wanna say that I have respect for everyone in the jury! All of you have made it far on the game and that is a great accomplishment. I wanna say that I played a very clean Big Brother game with no drama, no lies, no arguments and no manipulation. I played the Big Brother game with integrity and with respect. I think people who play it like this should win the game and not award liars. I want all of you to vote on who you think should win this game. Your choice and not your jury member's choice. Don't base your winning vote on bitterness, not based on lots of drama, but based on Big Brother gameplay and accomplishments. Thank you."

After of 77 days of nonstop action, who will be the winner of 500,000 dollars and who will win 50,000 dollars? Let's find out how the jury voted!


Mitchell votes for MIKO to win
Travis votes for JAMESON to win
Akira votes for JAMESON to win
Zoe votes for MIKO to win
Candy votes for MIKO to win
Siobhan votes for JAMESON to win
Gavin votes for JAMESON to win


Luna (11-0)
Catarina (8-2)
Zoe (4-5)
Sergio (Expelled)
Marcus (7-0)
Zoe Returns To The Game
Summer (6-1)

- JURY -
Mitchell (5-1)
Travis (5-0)
Akira (3-1)
Zoe (2-1)
Candy (2-0)
Siobhan (1-0)
Gavin (1-0)

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