chapter 3

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"VERONICA!!" I yelled and saw her sleeping , naked body on the bed. I sat down next to her and shook her to wake her up.


I felt someone shaking Me trying to wake me up. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw Janet with a worried face. I tried to move but it hurt....down there. I winced in pain


"It hurts" Is all I could get out

"Hurts where?"

I looked down and I think Janet knew what I meant

"Do you remember anything that happened?"

I shook my head no and heard her sigh

"You got raped"

"What? No"

"It all adds up. Your naked and you can't remember anything that happened and it hurts down there"

"I just want to go home"

"Where are your clothes?"

I shrugged my shoulders. She started looking for them.

"There no where...... Here....... we'll just wrap a blanket on you and I'll call Michael to come get us"

I nodded my head. A few minutes later I heard Janet talking to Michael while they were walking in.

"Can you walk?" Michael asked

I got up and tried to walk but it hurt to much to even take a step. I fell down onto the bed.

"I can carry her to the car" Michael said. Michael picked me up and walked to his car and helped me in. Janet sat next to me comforting me.

"I don't feel well" I said

"Close your eyes and get some sleep. That might help" Janet said.

I woke up feeling the urge to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and started reeching. Janet walked into the bathroom and held my hair.

The next thing I knew I was looking at a pregnancy test.....positive.

"Fuck!" I yelled

Janet looked at it

"Maybe it's a fluke maybe I'm not even pregnant

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"Maybe it's a fluke maybe I'm not even pregnant...."

"We can go to the doctors office"


We were sitting in the doctors office waiting for the results to come back. Speak of the devil.

"Ok we have the results"


"Congratulations your pregnant!"

He said showing me the test

He said showing me the test

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I was shocked. I'm not keeping this baby I can't take care of a child. The doctor left us and told us we could leave when we're ready.


"I'm not keeping this baby"


"I'm not keeping this baby" I said sternly


"Jay you can't change my mind." I said walking out of the doctors office and to my car.

"Wait!" Janet yelled she stood by me while I was putting my things in my car. "You can't kill an innocent baby-"

"Jan no"

"Just listen to me. Please"

I got in the car and closed the door and drove off leaving Janet behind.

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