The Date

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(Real quick AN the picture above is basically how Kai is dressed. Not to fancy or casual but the perfect balance. But instead of a suit jacket it'll just be the zip-up hoodie everything else is pretty much the same)

Y/n's POV
"What to wear? Um this? No that's just Noooo. Oooo how would this look?" I said while pulling out a red dress. "Oh who am I kidding that's WAY to fancy" Those were just some of the many comments I had to practically every piece of clothing I had.

So I was just minding my own business rummaging through my closet when Joy enters my room. "Ok I know this isn't any of my business but what's exactly going on?" She asked while raising an eyebrow. "Weeeellll.......basically I'm going on a date with someone who's name is none of your concern because it's probably going to be a one time thing anyway," I quickly answered while giving of and awkward smile. "Well then if you're going on a date then you should dress appropriately " Joy stated with a friendly smile. "Did I just hear the word Date?" Keila asked while poking her head through the open door. Ugh wwwwwhhhhhyyyyy mmmmmmeeeeeeeee, I internally screamed. "Well so what's he like" Keila retorted. Like I'm going to tell you. You know you can be so mean in your head y/n. Oh be quiet I need to think of something good to say, I mentally thought. "Well you can either help me find something to wear or you can help me clean up this mess" I stated with a smile trying to completely ignore Keila's question. "Ugh fine, I guess I'll help Joy in finding an outfit for you" Keila stated. Hurray! I sarcastically "celebrated" in my head. Who knows maybe it'll be fun, I thought.

What felt like hours upon hours of looking through my closet, the two girls found the perfect outfit. "This is it" Keila said with a satisfied smile. "Oh and these shoes will fit perfectly with the dress" Joy added. "Ok, I'll go try them on" I say while grabbing the stuff and going into the bathroom just wishing that this would all be over.

 "Ok, I'll go try them on" I say while grabbing the stuff and going into the bathroom just wishing that this would all be over

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(The dress can be whatever color you want if you don't like purple)When I was exiting the bathroom, I would have never expected to hear such horrifying words proceed out of Keila's mouth, "Ok now you need makeup" "uh no, I let you guys choose what...

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(The dress can be whatever color you want if you don't like purple)
When I was exiting the bathroom, I would have never expected to hear such horrifying words proceed out of Keila's mouth, "Ok now you need makeup" "uh no, I let you guys choose what I'm wearing but makeup is going to far" I declared while keeping my distance just in case they decide to ambush me. "Aw come on y/n. You know you'll look better with it on," Keila "persuaded". "Excuse you" I exclaimed jokingly. "You know that's not what I meant" Keila said clearly getting annoyed. She started to approach me with some makeup, and I backed up until we got interrupted. *EEEEKKKK EEEEWKKKKK EEEEWKKKKKK EEEEEKKKKK* my alarm! Bless the wonderful powers of the phone alarm! "Oh that's my alarm! Sorry I got to go! Bye," I yelled as I dashed for the front door.

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