Six Years Later.

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Six years of surviving the world that was now Thea's, before that, She knew not what the world held outside after the wave hit, nor what would become of the others she had been separated from. Her brother, last she saw of him, he was being dragged into the bunker at Polis to get executed by Octavia.

Soon after she went with Clarke and Bellamy, to try and find a way back up to what's left of the Ark; but soon after got separated and had to watch as the ship left Clarke and herself behind.

She had to watch as the antenna was engulfed in radioactive flames, with what she assumed to be Clarke running from the death wave; then backed into the lighthouse and let the door close. Soon after hearing the sound of the earth rumble, then the lighthouse with it. She was stuck, thinking it was her last moments on this Earth, and somehow welcomed it. Welcomed the idea of death like it was nothing, like there was nothing left for her to live for. During those moments she would drifted in and out of sleep and, thought of Jasper, her friend. Wondering if he was at peace.
If someone in this world deserved peace, it was him. She watched her best friend, who protected her when her brother couldn't , fall to pieces. The feeling of grief and despair pitted in her stomach like a virus; to watch and be unable to do anything to help. That's what true pain felt like.

A few years after the wave she found Clarke and Madi. In the last piece of paradise. It was beautiful, and quiet. Her home was located in the middle of the camp, in a small church overrun by the over growth of the forest.
Thea thought it was nice there, with Clarke and Madi, who she herself considered as family now. Clarke taught both Madi and Thea the ways to survive out here and some fighting, which Thea already knew from experience.

Thea snapped out of her train of thought as she loaded another pile of wood into the back of the rover, dusting her hands off once she did so. She looked around wondering where Madi had disappeared to, but soon spotted her walking down from a small path with a pile of sticks in her arms. Gazing up Madi locked eyes with Thea and smiled, then came to a halt at the back of the rover; she dumped the small pile of wood onto Thea's significantly larger pile.

Madi let out a sigh as she looked to Thea, "must you?" Thea laughed at the comment before closing the back doors.
"Jealous, huh?" She nudged Madi before she made her way to the drivers seat. Madi jumped into the passenger seat and shut the door. Thea then started the rover, put it into gear and drove off back to camp.

After a few moments of silence, Madi finally spoke, "look what I found" she held up an old radio, to which Thea nodded and hummed lightly.
"That'll be good for rebuilding the radio. Maybe this time we will get a response from the ones up there" Thea gestured to the sky, referring to Bellamy and the others. Madi looked up at the sky and nodded to herself, before she sat back in her seat.
The rest of the ride to camp was relatively quiet, with small chit chat here and there. But after a while, they arrived back at camp in no time; slowing down as they drove in through the trees and found Clarke setting up the fire for the night ahead.
Thea turned the rover off before both her and Madi jumped out, and began hauling the wood onto the pile of wood.
Thea watched as Madi quickened her pace unloading the wood, this resulting in Thea also quickening her pace. She mentally accepting Madi's challenge. Which eventually resulted in them both tumbling over each other, and bursting into laughter. Thea  sat up looking over to Clarke as she shook her head, smiling lightly.
"I'm surprised you guys haven't hurt yourselves doing that," she came over and carried the last of the wood from the rover to the pile of wood. Thea stood up, wiped the dirt and grass off herself, then she helped Madi up. She walked over to the fire and sat down, she let out a sigh in response to the muscles in her body finally relaxing. Thea pointed to Madi then to the fire.
"Its your turn tonight." Thea uttered making Madi let out a sigh of frustration, then began lighting the fire. Clarke came over and sat down directly across from Thea laughing.
"What?" Thea questioned as she pulled at the grass, Clarke shrugged lightly.
She whispered, "It's technically your turn today," it became silent between the two, then laughter overcame them. Madi approached with sticks and a few logs, she gazed over at the two for a few moments before she rolled her eyes; she then continued what she had started.

Clarke was like a sister to Thea, and Madi like a niece. Clarke was, for all intensive purposes Madi's mother. Thea knew that and knew that Clarke gave the orders, she just followed them. They all looked after each other. Especially since they were in a world were they only have each other, and that's what families were about, and that's what matters.

Thea looked up from the piece of metal she had been staring at for some time, then looked over at Madi as she struggled to carry a few large logs. She let out a loud sigh of frustration, hung her head back, then got up to help. Thea grabbed the logs and carried them to the pit, and placed them perfectly into the fire so that the wood wouldn't burn out quickly. Thea nodded to Madi as she began starting the fire, while Thea went back to her spot.
She lied down on her back after the fire began to burn, leant her head onto her arm and sighed to herself. Letting herself stare up at the darkening sky, she squinted slightly as she saw a small flash of light before allowing exhaustion to close her dreary eyes.
The day had been so exhausting for her, and sleep had been anything but present these days; yet she drifted right into sleep within no time.

Survivors - A Zeke Shaw Fanfiction जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें