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Diyoza came in, and Shaw reported to her, which gained a few glances towards Thea's direction. To this she just stared at the two guys she had previously gave her the gift of pain, and contemplated the various ways she would make them suffer.
Diyoza then walked over to Thea and smiled. Somewhat making Thea uneasy, it seemed unnatural for someone like Diyoza to do.
"Aren't you lucky, you don't get tortured today" she smiled once more. 'There it is' Thea thought to herself, "take her to a secure cell...and make sure she can't get anything sharp." She instructed, both the men at the door looked at Thea as she leaned back in her chair and smiled slightly whilst raising her eyes brows.
"Oh come on, grow a pair and move her to her cell" Diyoza instructed once more and they finally gave it. Diyoza turned around so that she was now a foot away from Thea and held up a syringe.
"See this bad boy, it's just for you..." she injected it into Thea's leg, making her wince at the slight sting. Then she began to feel drowsy, looking up at Diyoza blinking a few times.
"Just a safety precaution, in case you decide to try and kill one of my men again" and with that sentence Thea's vision blurred and she passed out.


The loud sound of a drill echoed throughout the room, Thea waking up to a room, chained up to a wall. Whilst watching a man drill into a girls hip.
"She's done now" his voice familiar and haunting in its tone, "next" he uttered, then another came and grabbed Thea. Slamming her onto the table where the dead girl once laid, and strapped her down.
"Well hello, now I can't make any promises, but this will hurt. A lot." He stated then marked an area on Thea's knee and began drilling. The pain overcoming Thea's instincts to not scream, her screams making others turn away in distain for what they may have to endure soon. That's all she could hear, the loud echoed of her own screams and the throb of her own heart.

Thea woke up mid gasp, as if she had been drowning, she looked around at the room finding it a completely different room to her nightmare. Letting out a small sigh of relief and pulled herself up from the bed, wincing in pain. She lifted her shirt slightly up to see how bad the bruises were. Already becoming purple, her abdomen looked like the outside of a ripe prune. Her head felt like it had been hit against a wall twenty times, but the pain in her leg has subsided. Looking down at the bullet wound, she found bandages.

She looked around the room and saw no windows, just a bed and a ledge seat across from her, then looking up she found a camera. Shaking her head slightly she moved her battered body further onto the head of the bed and leaned her back against the wall, and just sat there watching the door. Half expecting them to walk in and drag her out for an execution, but she soon noticed herself becoming sleepy. Trying to keep herself awake she grabbed the bruise on her right arm and squeezed, the pain shooting up to her brain and waking her up.

For a few hours she did that until the door opened revelling McCreary.
"Someone wants to see you" he said and got his friends to get her up, they carried her out of the ship the arrived in. Thea looked up and saw the sky was dark, it was night, and to her calculations she had either been asleep for a few hours and whole day. But that didn't matter once she saw why they brought her out.

'Clarke' Thea thought to herself, panic finally reaching the depths of her mind. They brought Thea only just a few feet from Clarke, Diyoza standing next to her. She looked tired, just as Thea. Her leg also bandaged up as black blood soaked the cloth. Thea looked up from Clarke towards Diyoza, who smirked slyly down at her.

"I've got to admit, it takes a master to lie to my pilot. Especially since he was so nice to you" she nodded to McCreary who then punched Thea in the abdomen. This action winded Thea instantly, causing her body to crumple down as she tried to take in air.
"You're only bringing this on yourself" Diyoza stated once more, then McCreary landed another punch, this time making Thea cough up blood. She looked up to where Clarke was, then in the direction of Shaw, but he had already turned and walked off.

The bright glistening of a light drew my attention away from Shaw and Clarke. Both Clarke and Thea looked in its direction, the same thought crossing both their minds, 'No Madi'.

A large figure jumped out and the rover then began to back out, reveling a tall man, he finally stepped into sight and both Clarke and Thea almost passed out, it was Bellamy. Thea gazed over to Clarke, who looked as speechless as Thea did. She then begain to feel herself become drowsy, this possibly due to the newest injury she had sustained. Instantly Thea went limp, her body slipping from the grasp of the men and landing straight onto the ground. McCreary ordered his men to take her to the med-bay.


Shaw stood back as they carried Thea in the direction of the Med-bay, blood dripping from her nose and mouth as if she had internal bleed. A small amount of concern crossed his mind, which soon after was pushing out of his thoughts as fast as it came. He looked over to where Clarke stood and watched Diyoza exchange conversation with the man holding a mug from the main ship. He knew what came next was going to be a mess, he just didn't know which side was the best.


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