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Thea gained consciousness before her eyes decided to open, the weight of her dreamless state of slumber trying to coax her into sleeping just a little bit longer. She yielded, yawning widely before propping herself up on both arms.
Leaning on her elbows, she looked around at her surroundings. She found Clarke sprawled on the ground, while Madi was purched on the steps of the church. Madi gave Thea a wave before she stood and approached.

"Morning, sleeping beauty" she flicked Thea on the forehead and continued onwards. Thea turned to watch Madi, rolled her eyes and returned her gaze to the dying fire, smouldering coals winking at her from the depths. Finally, still foggy from sleep, she halfheartedly pulled herself to her feet then walked over to the water bucket and got herself a cup of water.
Madi returned with red berries in her hand, smiling lightly because she had been waiting months to use them to dye her hair.

Thea looked at her over the rim of her cup, slurping on the cool liquid deliberately loud. Madi raised her eyebrows and stuck her tongue out before she walked back into the church. Thea let out a sigh then downed another cup of water.

Throughout the rest of the morning, Thea couldn't shake the feeling that something ominous lurked around the corner, like something bad was waiting to happen, but she elected to ignore it; instead deciding to walk over to Clarke. She Crouched down and nudged Clarke slightly making the blonde girl stir.
She opened her eyes and looked wearily up at Thea, "What time is it?" Clarke inquired.
"Morning, that's what time." Thea joked as she stood, "come on mama bear, baby bear wants to dye her hair." Thea stated as she pointed to the church, Clarke sighed lightly and sat up.
"And you?" She questioned as she stood up.
"I'm fine. I'm going to the falls." Thea stated, referring to the water fall down in the valley.
Clarke nodded as she rubbed the back of her neck letting out a sigh before dragged herself into the church. Clarke stopped in her tracks and turned to Thea, "don't forget your gun. We still don't know if there isn't anything else out there." And with that she turned on her heel and walked into church.
Thea nodded to herself and went to the church. She grabbed one of the rifles off the table near the wall and slung it over her shoulder, then proceeded inside the church past Clarke and Madi and to her cot; grabbing her jacket and then made her way out the back door.

Walking down the path she had been mapping out for weeks now, she found the ridge opening that led to the falls. She made her way along the pathway, then jumped down onto the ground, a crunching sound of pebbles beneath her feet echoed through the forest. Thea continued walking, until she found the rocks changing in sizes and growing larger, signalling to her that the falls were close by.
She stepped onto the rocks and followed them, pushing past deep forestry and clinging foliage, until she came to a body of water, backgrounder by a wall of glistening water tumbling down from the rocks above.
The area was separated from everything, secluded behind the curtains of the forest and pockmarked with boulders.

Placing her rifle on a flat rock, she began talking her clothes off, each piece of fabric falling to the ground before all she wore was a singlet and a pair of bike shorts. Then slowly she waded into the water. Finally she reached the deepest part of the water, it just below her rib cage. She scooped water up in both hands and splashed herself, letting her upper body get used to the water before she submerged herself.

It was peaceful here. This was where Thea would go to relax, to clear all her thoughts and have just a moment to herself. Although it was just a moment, Thea valued that, the tranquility of it and silence.
That was until a large boom was heard over head, Thea looked above at the sky, half getting glimpses of a spaceship entering the atmosphere, before she realised it wasn't a ship she'd seen before.

Realising instantly this wasn't friendly, she made her way to the edge of the water and began getting dressed.


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