Enemy Turned Friend.

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Shaw looked down at the screen and saw his name lit up in white, 'dammit' he thought to himself before looking up to Thea.

"Like wise" she uttered as he cleared the screen, and then faced Thea, "I didn't expect that" he sounded half surprised at her skills. A looked crossed his face as he was clearing the job Thea had done, it was a look Thea had seen many times before him, it was a look of concern and fear. As if he was afraid; afraid of Diyoza or what they would do to him if they found out. Thea made her way off to the left, a photo which was encased in glass and held to the wall with steel braces. It was a group photo of the crew; the orginal crew that is. Shaw stood next to what looked like the captain. Looking over to him as he frantically typed away, she sighed silently.
"Don't worry, flyboy, your secrets safe with me" Shaw gazed over to her as she made her way to him. Still observing the room she was in, a thought of peace filling her mind. She felt as if she was on the ARK, a smile forming on her face. Shaw noticed it and just watched her for a moment, he seemed to appreciate that she appreciated the room; it gave him an easy feeling in his stomach that he wasn't alone, that he at least knew someone was on his side, even if it was just her.

"This place reminds me of the ARK" Thea snapped him out of his train of thought, locking eyes with her as she limped over.
"Everything is so similar...even the old damp smell" She half joked, Shaw nodded, finally standing up from the seat.
"Yeah, although it can become a little much" Shaw uttered as he stepped away from the chair gesturing for her to sit, "she'll want to see some progress. I unlocked a few commands, so at least you can do something" Shaw added, gaining a small smile from Thea as she sat. She began typing and finally got through something and cracked past Ravens other encryption's.

"Looks like Raven's been locking you out of your own main ship. Hmm, I wonder what this will do" Thea pressed enter and locked Raven out. Thea smiled as she sat back and watched her work unfold. Only a few types of the keyboard, and the decrypting had begun. Diyoza soon after returned, with a determined look on her face.

"Well, well. Looks like my faith in you is restored" Diyoza said to Shaw. She watched Thea twiddling her thumbs as she sat back, then another alarm sounded, signalling to Thea that Raven was taking back control.
"Dammit!" Thea rose from her seat and watched as Raven regained access, frowning her brows, "I had her" she mumbled. Diyoza noticing the slight anger Thea was displaying.

"Next time" Diyoza uttered, making Thea look back with confusion plastered across her face.
"You thought I was gonna throw you to the dogs?" Diyoza questioned which earned a slight nod from Thea.
"Trust goes both ways, remember...now I want to know, do you know the language of this 'Wonkru'?" Diyoza seemed interested, but Thea knew not what Clan was 'Wonkru'.
"Wonkru?" Diyoza realised she must not know, nodding slightly.
"The people in the bunker, they are called Wonkru" she stated making Thea's breath hitch and her eye brows rise slightly. Diyoza noticed the instant change in her mood, and decided to question further.
"You know of these people?" She inquired, Thea nodded as she leaned on the console, gulping as her throat became dry.

"I did...but they were seperate clans, not one. It's not possible that they all survived down there, they would have killed each other" Thea seemed as confused as Diyoza, "but yes, I do know their dialect" she added.
"Good, you continue to prove as valuable as he presumed...now go, rest" Diyoza instructed, Thea rubbed the back of her neck before nodding and heading out with Shaw beside her.

A few moments later they were walking down the corridor that they had previously walked down hours ago, Thea seemed a little amused. A smile tugged at her lips and soon became a light smile, she looked ahead.
"He presumed" she stated, making Shaw turn his attention to her making him slightly laugh, "he has emotions" Thea half joked, making her self smile a little more. Then they walked out onto the ramp, her and his expression dropping once they saw McCreary.

"Where's Diyoza?" He asked Shaw, to which he cocked his head into the ship. McCreary looked at Thea and glared slightly before walking past them, whispering something only Thea could hear. Shaw noticed her change in mood and grabbed her before she tried to kill McCreary.
"Let me go Shaw, he won't hurt me, I can assure that." Shaw looked convinced. He tightened his grab on her arm.
"I know, but believe me, his men will" he almost whispered, Thea looked to her left seeing them staring, she realised he was right and began to relax. Shaw's drip loosened and he moved his hand from her arm. She looked to where McCreary was walking to and saw he had disappeared, letting out a sigh she returned her gaze to Shaw.

"Come on" He then began to walk in the direction of the church. Thea soon following him, making sure she closed the distance between them before she was jumped.

After a while they reached the church, walking up its steps and into the building before finally seeing her cot. She turned to Shaw who stood looking at the door slightly; Thea wondered once more why he even gave a damn about those people, they all were murders. But then she thought of herself, she's killed and yet didn't consider herself a murder. Maybe she was, maybe all her acts of violence were justified back then, but now they were wrong. A feeling of guilt hit her like a wave, almost making it hard to stand. But she managed to bring herself back from her thoughts, seeing Shaw curiously staring at her once again.

"What?" She asked, Shaw shook his head slightly and looked around the church.
"Why do you not think I won't kill you, for knowing about the missiles?" He half asked, Thea thought about it, scrambling her thoughts for an answer.
"I don't know. I guess I am a good judge of character" she uttered as she put her hand in her jacket pockets, leaning onto her left leg, "I just don't get why you are willing to trust Diyoza and her pack of murders and psychos. You don't seem like the bad type" she added as she looked up at him. He looked like he was in deep thought, before locking eyes with Thea.
"Back in my time, Diyoza was considered a war hero. The whole world watched her save thousands of lives, putting people before any man made thing. That's why I trust her, because the good out weighs the bad, ten fold..." he stopped for a moment, "so you see, she's good, and...well, I'm not as good as you hope" he looked over at the fire, then back at her. The silence was almost unbearable, but her kept his eye in her, curious about something else.

"Besides, I should be questioning your willingness to trust people" Shaw uttered making Thea frown her brows.
"What do you mean?" She blatantly asked taking Shaw by surprise, then she walked over and sat on her cot.

"Your willingness to help out an enemy, then lie to their faces about one of their own betraying them" he paused for a moment, "Why?" He added. Thea shrugged. Then thought about it for a moment, before looked towards the fireplace.

"One thing I found when I set foot on this world, I had to learn quickly. Becoming fully aware that my life was the most important thing...along the way I began to realise that having friends and proving myself was useful, even in the enemy's territory, was better then nothing. Because then I had an advantage, a way I could observe from the inside, and wait for my opportunity to escape..." she went quiet, still staring at the fire, then looked down at the ground, "that's why I am doing what Diyoza says, because I know if I don't, I will be thrown to the dogs...and from what I have already experienced, it's a close second compared to the other shit that's happened to me" she finally become silent. Shaw watched her fall to bits within a few seconds, he could tell that she knew this game all too well, and knew that if she made one wrong move she'd be a goner.

"As for your secret, you're doing exactly what I'm doing" she gave him a half reassuring smile, letting him know she was an ally, and that he could trust her.
Shaw returned the smile, both subliminally letting each other know they had a friend, that they weren't alone.

Hey everyone. Sorry this took ages to do, just been so busy, but I'm back and writing. Expect another chapter next week or in a few days.
Hope you enjoy this chapter
- TiesAndBones 💕

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