The Defectors

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Thea woke to a loud sound of yelling outside, she sat, before making her way out past the guards and finally reaching the front of the church. She found two of McCreary's men in a fist fight, surrounded by everyone else. Cheering echoing through the camp, this signalling to Thea that they were just messing around. She rolled her eyes, before noticing the ship they all arrived on was no longer in its normal place. She then made her way back into the church, stopping next to her collared guard.
"Where's the ship?" Thea asked, making one look at her.
"They left an hour ago, something to do with the other survivors" he then turned back to his cards, Thea sighed to herself and walked back to her cot. A worried look crossing her face as she thought of the people and then the missiles. Wondering what Diyoza was up to and if it meant her friends wouldn't exist after they got back, this ultimately making her sick.


It had been an hour of napping before Thea woke again, sitting up she yawned, stretching both arms out. She rubs her eyes and then looks up at the guards, stands and makes her way outside. One of the guards walking out with her. Thea half felt annoyed at his actions, but knew it was necessary. Thea Makes a stop at some supply boxes, she grabbed a few spare parts, not even noticing the returned ship. Before no time a group of people walked out of the forest, Shaw and some of Diyoza's crew escorting the group towards the gas station. Thea noticed it went quiet, turning around to see the group of familiar faces, some Sky Kru, some other clans, and some she had never seen before; all had collars on them.

She watched as they passed, noticing one staring a little longer then he should before turning his gaze to the ground. Thea frowned before looking over to Shaw, who parted from the group.
"What's going on?" Thea asked. Shaw came to a stop and looked at the spare parts before looking back up at Thea.
"Defectors from Octavia's army, we're giving them refuge here...the shock collars are a precaution" he quickly added, "oh, and Diyoza wanted to see you" he then left, catching up the group. Thea just stood watching the group disappear into the gas station, where she presumed Raven was being held.

After a few moments, she began walking in the direction of the ship; before finally reaching the ramp. She turned back to the guard who previously separated with her before finally walking into the ship. A few more silent moments passed before Thea came to the council room, stopping and waiting at the door.

Diyoza finally noticed the change in the room and turned to Thea, finding her frowning. She gestured for Thea to come closer, to which Thea approached.

"You wanted to see me" she reached the table Diyoza stood near, looking down at the map of the valley, before then looking up at Diyoza.

"Yes, I wanted you to help out with the defectors...I assume you may be able to get some information out of them about their 'Red Queen'" she uttered as she marked a spot on the map, before looking up, "and I assumed you would ask sometime about it" Thea smirked at how right she was before nodding and went to exit.
"Oh, and your friend, Raven, she'll be there too. I guess this will be your opportunity to fix your friendship" she then turned back to her plans, Thea beginning to walk once again.

Nerves running high at the thought of trying to explain to her old friend, Raven Reyes of all people, having to explain to her would be somewhat impossible.


Shaw walked around the inside of the gas station where they held to defectors, carrying crates of food, blankets and other items such as clothes. He watched their weary and tired faces gratefully accept the food and blankets, with such kindness filled in their eyes, it made him half smile. Giving another group blankets he then turned to the door, seeing Thea walk in. He instantly froze, looking over at McCreary's men who were guarding and helping out. She was carrying crates of blankets, walking over he stopped her by grabbing her arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2019 ⏰

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