The Enemy of My Enemy

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Diyoza watched as two of McCreary's men dragged in a girl by both arms, her head hanging low. They dropped her on the ground, her body falling lifelessly flat in one swift move.

Diyoza glanced up at them with a questioning look, "What's this?" She finally inquired.
"Your second sniper" the biggest man voiced. McCreary gazed down at the girl from where he stood and scoffed.
"She looks like she couldn't even hurt a fly" and without even expecting it, Thea sprung up from where she lied and stabbed the guy to her left in the knee, making him scream. Then she punched the other, before holding him in a choke hold.
Diyoza gave McCreary an unimpressed look, "you were saying" she then turned to the girl who now held a knife tightly against the throat of her captive. Diyoza stepped closer, which Thea responded with the knife slightly cutting the guys neck.
Fear was all that Thea could comprehend; her chest and abdomen hurt from it being kicked in, and her ears rung. Diyoza could tell, her face looked as if she could kill this guy within seconds but the pain in Thea's eyes said another story. Tears escaped Thea's eyes for a moment before she forced them to stop.
Then the door to the church opened and a man in an all black uniform came in, coming to a stop as soon as he saw what was going on, he reached for his gun.
"Shaw, I wouldn't." Diyoza instructed. He then moved his hands away from the gun.
Thea took a breath then the man she held regain consciousness and hit her in the stomach with his elbow. Thea flung back onto the ground groaning in pain. Just as the man she held captive stood up, Shaw went to walk up but Thea grabbed the gun she had placed under her bed, stood up and pointed it at him.

Anger engulfing her instantly as her breathing became unsteady, it was as if it was becoming harder to breath.
"It's okay, we're not going to hurt you" he held his hands up and speaking softly. Thea could feel her lungs burning, and a fever coming on.
McCreary stepped forward, "the poison must be kicking in then." He stated, Diyoza looked to him then to her, her face was paler then a moment ago.
"You idiot" she muttered before hearing a loud thud, she looked over to where the girl once stood. Now she was unconscious, then began to convulse.
"The doctor, get the doctor" she instructed then Thea stopped moving, "wait" she told the man at the door. Then Thea gasped for air and passed out once more. Diyoza stood up and looked down at the girl, in slight confusion.
"Get the doctor, now!" She instructed the Thea's previous captive, who gladly exited the room.


Thea began to regain consciousness, her eyes opening slightly. Her head was hung, and her arms and legs tied to a chair, she lifted her head but it was no use, she was to exhausted.
"She's waking up" a voice echoed, then Thea felt her head being forced up, she now was staring at the man who told her he had in fact poisoned her.
"Welcome back to the land of the living" he smartly remarked before letting go of Thea's hair and leaning onto a table. Thea looked down at her restraints, tugging at them slightly before becoming slightly more exhausted, a sigh escaped her lips.
"You'll regain your strength" Diyoza uttered as she stopped in front of Thea, dragging a chair and placing it in front of her.
"So, you gonna tell me how exactly you aren't dead?" She questioned. Thea just stayed quiet, the confusion of what happened and the pain everywhere in her body distracting her from what Diyoza said.
"Hey!" Diyoza said making Thea jump slightly, then Diyoza frowned.
"You're afraid of me? Yes?" She inquired. Thea just looked from McCreary to her, then to Shaw.


It was an hour like this, Diyoza asking questions and getting no answers.
"It's no use. Maybe they don't understand us" Shaw stated as he walked up, Diyoza shook her head.
"She knows what we are saying. Did you see her face when McCreary said the poison was working....Believe me she knows exactly what we're saying" diyoza states as she stands, then made her way over to the other side of the room.
McCreary approached Thea with a sinister smile on his face, "guess I'll have to get it out of you" he said before punching Thea.

"Hey, Hey! Stop!" Shaw pulled McCreary away, "let me try and talk to her...I don't think she really wants to talk when she's being beaten to death" he proposed to Diyoza, to which she nodded and gestures to everyone to leave the room. He watched as they all exited, just as Thea also did. The door finally clicked shut, and Thea relaxed slightly but stayed vigilant, knowing that Shaw was one of them.

He turned to her and tilted his head slightly looking at bruise on her face and blood coming from her lip.
"That's better, huh?" He ambled over to the table and then turned to her again, as if expecting an answer then shook his head.
"Silent treatment, huh?" he joked smiling to himself. For some reason Thea let out an amused sigh which she coughed to as a result.
"So she does understand English" he stated making Thea look in his direction, "look I get it. You're trying to protect someone out there, your people or family. But if you don't tell them something they won't stop. Believe me, what they've done now isn't anything compared to what they are capable of..." he went quiet for a moment looking back at the door then to Thea who was frowning slightly. He looked back to her and sighed before walking off slightly; Thea watched him, as if he was guilt ridden or something was eating at him. Thea coughed a few more times and looked towards Shaw as he scratched the back of his neck.
"You know, you're nicer then the others" Thea's voice was almost a whisper, but it caught Shaw of guard making him turn around in response, "too nice to be apart of their" she scanned his clothes, "Pilot?... Hmm yes, a pilot. Why exactly are you with them?" She questioned. He frowned for a moment before walking back to where he was, and leaned on the table in front of her. He watched her for a moment before sighing.
"If I answer your question, will you answer mine?" He inquired, making Thea nodded slightly.
"Okay...well either I follow them or they kill me. So you can imagine what my decision was." He stated making Thea let out another amused sigh.
"Spontaneous...I like it" she joked making Shaw smile lightly, "I'll talk, but to you only" Thea finished.
"And why is that exactly?" He questioned. Thea looked around at her surroundings then back towards him. She thought of what had just happened, and her current situation. She knew she was going to compromise on some of her more rage filled behaviours, and instead use her cunning to fix the mess up she was in.

"Because, I have a feeling that your collar is way more tighter than mine" she lifted her chin slightly letting the collar shift slightly.

Sorry, this chapter took ages, and I've been slack. Will try to keep the chapters coming

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