Some Kind of Genius

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It had been a few days since McCrearys encounter with Thea's fist, and he was still pissed, storming around camp, so Diyoza made sure she had her people watch her. She didn't need any mistakes of McCrearys on her hands. Thea was put in the Church, in hopes that some comfort might give Thea some reassurance that her captors weren't as bad as she thought. Although Thea was still vigilant.

Sitting on her cot, one leg hanging over to side slightly swing as she lied back. She was playing with a piece of paper she ripped off one of her drawings along the wall. Her thoughts were really all she had at the moment, everything else had been searched, by that she meant her sketch book, which lied on the floor to the left of her. The book ripped in half and pages scattered along the ground. She hadn't dared move in fear they would give her a beating, so she just sat there, silent for two days.

The sound of the doors opening, signalling to Thea a change of guards. This didn't alarm her, just another babysitter. The sound of the door opening and shutting again was heard, Thea just shut her eyes and tried to get some sleep.  But the sound of foot steps approaching made her shoot up from her lying position and crawl to the the back wall where her cot was positioned against,l. Gazing up towards the figure, she found Shaw. He stopped before he stepped on the scattered pages of Thea sketch book and crouched down. Thea took no notice of it and looked down at the piece of paper still in her hands.

Shaw has taken a moment to stare at the pieces of paper, before beginning to pick each page up. He was putting them into a pile in his free hand. Then placed them on the end of her cot, making Thea looked up slightly before looking back at her hands. She hadn't talked to him since she tried shocking herself to death, and she really particularly didn't want to. Thea didn't know why she was annoyed with him, maybe it was because he stopped her attempt at her own life or the fact that she appreciated that he did. No matter what it was, she wasn't going to talk about it, especially not to him.

It was silent for a while, Shaw sat on the other side of the room near the fire place, whilst Thea remained silent. Occasionally looking up from her spot towards him before looking back at the piece of paper she had folded a hundred times by now, the creases of the folds presenting itself every time she unfolded it fully and began folding it again.
Shaw noticed she was distracting herself, he had watched her fold that piece of paper for the last fourth minutes, and it was beginning to bore him.  He looked down at the food cray on the floor next to her cot, seeing that it hadn't been touched, all still in its place. He looked towards her and stood, making his way over to her carrying a canteen.

"Here, drink" he offered her the container, but she remain fixed on the piece of paper. He let out a small sigh as he crouched down next to her.
"You haven't eaten anything in two days, at least have water" he offered again, she stopped, turning her eyes to look at the container not moving her head. She took the container and drank, basically handing him it back empty. He raised an eye brow and smirked a little, "now wasn't that easy" he stated soon standing to his feet.Thea then turned back to her paper but didn't continue, she just looked at the crumpled paper, somewhat feeling the pit of her stomach ache, she felt as if she were about to burst into tear but she didn't. Instead she looked up towards the pile of drawings.

"Thank you" she said, making Shaw lift his head to look at her, she turned to face him, "thank you" both were the same words, but somehow Shaw understood that they both were  for two different things. He knew exactly which two she was thanking him for, and somehow Thea could tell he knew what she meant. A moment passed before Shaw took a step towards the end of the cot, picking up the drawings. He tapped the leather cover with his thumbs before looking towards Thea.
"May I?" He asked, which took Thea by surprise. That he even bothered having an interest in what it contained, let alone knowing it was something of personal value to Her.
She frowned for a moment, relaxing her brows and nodding lightly signalling to Shaw he had her permission. Sitting down on the end of her cot Shaw began to flip through the pages. Stopping every once and a while when one particular piece caught his eye then continued going through them.

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