A Truce

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Abby watched as two of McCreary's men walked in with a girl, placing her gently on the table in the middle of the room.
"What's this?" She asked as she glazed down at the girl, her abrasions and wounds looking even more extreme up close.
"A job. Diyoza instructed to keep her alive" one stated, the other handed Abby a shock control.
"You'll need this" the other said before they both excited, leaving Abby with a somewhat lifeless looking girl. She placed the device on the counter and approached the girl, seeing major injuries that would need to be settled with. Abby shifted her shirt up, reveling the full extent of the newcomers brutality.
"Jesus" was all Abby managed to utter, she knew there wasn't any internal bleed, so she went to the girls face, and began treating her cuts. Her body twitching when Abby applied the rubbing alcohol; Abby wondered what happened to her,  and why they still wanted her alive.
'This is going to be a long night' she thought to herself and continued with treating the girl.


About an hour had passed, and Abby had worked her magic, restoring Thea to her more than lifeless state. She was now watching her with curious eyes, somehow knowing that she would be seeing her more often. Her body displayed more than enough scar tissue and previously broken bones to tell Abby this.
She had wandered a little closer, seeing if she was still alive, and saw the girls eyes flutter open and shut again.
Thea let out an agonised groan, then moved her arm to her abdomen, and tried sitting up. Abby approached, placing a hand on her left shoulder.
"I wouldn't, your injuries are still quite bad" she stated, Thea looked at Abby and saw her shaking slightly then proceeded to sit up.
"I've had worse" Thea managed to utter. Leaning on both her palms at the sides of her thighs, she propped her bruised body up slightly. The back of her shirt slightly falling off her shoulder where Abby had cut to stitch up a large old wound that had reopened on Thea's back.

Abby watched the girl closely, half expecting to be jumped, but all she did was gazed up and smile a little.
"Your Abby, I presume?" She half asked gaining a nod from Abby.
"Don't worry, I'm a friend of a daughter" she gave Abby a reassuring smile. Abby almost fell to her knees at the moment of her daughter, and that she may be alive; then she was interrupted by the door opening, Abby turned her attentions to the door finding a somewhat impatient looking Diyoza. She came to a halt and glanced over at the girl on the table. At Diyoza's side were the same familiar faces, McCreary, and Shaw behind him.
"How is she?" Diyoza questioned giving Abby a glance before looking back towards Thea, who was half hunched over on the table. Diyoza tilted her head slightly. The reflection of the large gash on her back becoming extremely noticeable.

"Ask her yourself" Abby stated, Diyoza gazed over at the girl. Thea lifted her head up slightly, but lowered it again. McCreary scoffed and strolled over, stopping a foot away from her.
"How's your face, sniper?" He questioned, all Thea did was stay still, while McCreary smiled.
"That's was submission looks like. Tell that to your primitive friends" he whispered the last bit. Thea then used all the strength she had and hit him square in the jaw, knocking McCreary back onto his ass. Thea let out a hiss as she held her hand with the other, know sure enough t was broken.

"Worth it" she uttered before looking up at McCreary, "What? Cat got your tongue?" She added, half taunting him with his own embarrassment and shame. He gave her an rage filled look and attempted to stand and lung at her before Diyoza stopped him.
"Remember what I said. Leave the room McCreary" he stated, he hesitated for a moment before backing up and exiting the room, leaving now Diyoza, Abby and Shaw.

Thea looked at her broken hand and sighed holding it, before glancing over at Diyoza with drowsy eyes.
"Why don't you just kill me and get it over with?" Thea questioned making Diyoza frowned.
"Are you that keen on dying?" She somewhat smiled, Thea looked down at the ground for a second before lifting her head up, not uttering a word to Diyoza's statement. Diyoza let out a hum as she recognised the look on Thea's face, it was a 'yes'. She didn't to live, but didn't seem to keen on dying either.
"Look, I know you don't like us, but unfortunately we are the same species, and this world is all our planet. Now you can either walk out that door and let McCreary execute you, or you can live, and give us aid. Your seem like an extremely smart girl, especially one who built a whole mainframe and computers system from scratch in the middle of nowhere. Your useful, at least my pilot seems to think so" she finally finished.
Thea tensed slightly at the mention of her computer, looking up from the spot on the ground she was staring at, "i am not that smart. Remember, I got myself shot and almost died." Thea reminded Diyoza.

"Hmm, somehow I don't believe that statement. At least the one about being stupid...you see we hacked into your special ARK files. It seems you were something of a kid genius up there. Age nine you beat even the best coders on the ARK." The ends of Diyoza's lips curled up into a grin, "so, tell me, Thea. What are you willing to do to protect your friends" she held up the radio, the sound of the men describing Emori, Echo, and Madi was heard. Thea's heart dropped.
"Or what about Clarke and Bellamy?" She questioned. Diyoza held the radio up to her lips and told the guard to kill Clarke and Bellamy, and shot the others.

"Okay! Okay! I'll do it, just don't kill them...please" Thea begged, Diyoza nodded.
"Good choice...stand down, all of you" then she placed the radio on her utility belt.
"Shaw stay here and make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Abby get her in working order" then Diyoza exited the room. Abby approached and had a look at Thea's hand.
"Stay here, I've got to get some supplies" Abby instructed and left the room. Thea looked at her hand that was now beginning to bruise. She let out a sigh and gazed over at Shaw, who was watching her.

"Don't be so offended that I lied to you, if you were in my situation you'd lie aswell" Thea stated making Shaw scoff.
"That's the reason you're in this situation, because you lied" he stated as he moved closer, "you expect me to trust you, well trust goes both ways" he added. Thea hung her head and looked over at the shock collar control, a thought crossing her mind, the temptation of the idea overwhelmed her, knowing that if she was at least dead they would not need to threaten her friends and just leave them. Leaping of the table, she made a run for the collar control and turned it on high voltage. The shock making her fall to the ground, her whole body felt like it was on fire; every muscle and bone aches.
Then it stopped, Thea's eyes wondered up from the spot on the floor she fell to, to see Shaw in front of her with the device in his hand.

"What the hell was that?" He questioned, "are you crazy?" He stated making Thea shake her head and lean against the wall closest to her. She looked up at him through her lashers, disappointment somewhat evident in her eyes.
"To still be alive after all that's happened, you have to wonder" he sounded as if she were talking to herself, even Shaw wondered that as well. He reached his arm out to help her up, but she swatted it away and crawled to her feet, using the wall behind her to stabilise herself. She limped to the table she was previously at and sat down on the table. Hardly noticing her broken hand throbbing like a bitch until she relaxed. Abby then walked in, not even noticing the difference in the room. Thea gladly gave Abby her hand to fix; although the rest of the time in the Med-bay was silent, a dead silence.

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