Space Walker and The Clown

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It had been a week and a half since Thea went to ship, she had been sitting in the church ever since. Watching the day turn to night through the stained glass windows; at first it was kind of soothing. Now she had become tired of watching the days pass into nights, associating it with her entrapment.
She looked even more bored of the day as she did the previous day as she got up, walking to where the guards put her tray of food. She picked up a piece of bread and began crewing a piece, feeling a calm sigh fall from her lips once she swallowed the bread.
Looking over to the door, she found two of Diyoza's men, Davin and Fred. She had finally begun to get used to who was on guard and what their names were, she liked these two, they were nice to her. Fred looked over to her and gestured for her to come over, with that Thea picked up a grape and strolled over, stopping just before she crossed the door frame.
"What?" Thea questioned as she threw the grape in her mouth and bite down, releasing the sweet taste into her mouth.
"For you" he clicked on the radio once and then handed her the radio. Thea looked up at Fred who had returned to his game of cards he had been playing for the last three hours.

"Hello?" Thea speak into the radio, it was silent for a moment, static being all she could hear before the line went silent.
"I need you to come meet me" it was Diyoza. Thea let out a sigh in response to hearing it was Diyoza, to that Diyoza scoffed.
"Don't worry. You don't have to do my dirty work. Not just yet. Go with one of your guards, I wanna see if you're as useful as I think" then the radio went static again. Thea turned to Fred, placing the radio in front of him.

"One of you has to escort me to Diyoza" Davin stood up and walked to the door, opening and waiting for her.
"Come on then" he gestured cocking his head slightly out the door. Thea followed and walked outside, the light of day incapacitating her for a moment before she adjusted to the light. Looking around she found her camp...correction, their camp, and the ship was gone. Thea followed whilst frowning slightly as she continued to follow Davin.

They took a short cut through the forest, it's path now fully edged into the earth by previous walkers before them. Thea wondered why they were going into the forest, then he turned and continued walking. After a few moments they came to a clearing, opening up to see the valley, it was the look out Clarke and her built. Diyoza stood there with Shaw by her side, they looked as if they were in mid conversation as Davin interrupted, making Diyoza and Shaw turn their attentions towards the guard and captive.

"Ah, thank you. You can go now" Diyoza walked up over to the look out, lifting a bottle of liquid up, "care for a drink?" She inquired, to which Thea seemed weary of before nodding. She poured a glass and handed it to her, "go on, have a taste" Diyoza suggested, then spotted Thea's hesitation to accept her kind gesture. Diyoza then downed the glass.
"So you know it's not poisoned" Diyoza uttered before going to pour another glass for the girl, and handing it to her.
Thea then downed the glass, feeling a slight burn in the back of her throat, but it subsiding quickly. Diyoza seemed impressed by Thea's reaction to the drink, which made her frown.

"What?" Thea looked up from the glass towards Diyoza.
"Have you ever had tequila?" Diyoza questioned, to that Thea shook her head.
"We didn't exactly have a good supple of alcohol in the ARK." Thea walked up putting the glass down on the table.
"And yet, it had no real affect on you" Diyoza analysed Thea, half expecting her to pass out or need to sit down, but she didn't. She looked fine, no tipsy expression or droopy eyes.
"But just because we didn't have alcohol doesn't mean we didn't make our own. My friend Jasper and Monty used to cook up a storm when we landed here" Thea half smiled at the thought of it before returning her gaze to Diyoza.

"Sounds like good stuff" she commented as she as she sat down, Thea half scoffed and let out a small laugh.
"Shame, the only person crazy enough to make something that potent is dead" she turned and looked out at the valley, "but I'm sure Monty remembers how to make it. Maybe someday...after a while, he'll make it again" Thea added as she leaned against one of the posts, tearing her eyes away from the valley to look at Shaw, who had realised why Jasper was such a touchy subject. Even Diyoza could tell Thea seemed a little out of her comfort zone talking about it.

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