Chapter Eight

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Kurt opened his eyes and looked around the room. He wasn't in the basement, he was in Dave's room. And he wasn't tied up.

"Dave!" Kurt whisper-yelled as he shook him.

Dave opened his eyes and yawned. "Yeah?"

"W-what happened?"

"What do you mean?" Dave asked as he wrapped his arm around Kurt.

"We fell asleep in the basement, but we're in your room."

"Oh, yeah, it got cold down there, so I unlocked you from the chains and brought you to my room with me." Dave said with a yawn.

"Oh. Okay."

Kurt sat up and rubbed the sleep away from his blue eyes. Dave watched as he got up and wondered out of the room, but he didn't bother going after him, because now, he was beginning to trust Kurt and Kurt's feelings toward Dave was getting stronger.

After a few moments Kurt came back into the room and ran his fingers through his hair. He picked up his jeans and put them on, followed by putting on his shirt.

"Hey... Uh... I need to talk to you." Dave said with a sigh.

Kurt straddled him. "Okay, what is it?"

"Well, my parents are coming over today and I kinda need you to play boyfriend."

Kurt chuckled and ran his fingers through Dave's hair. "What's in it for me?"

"I'll take you to the park."

"Oh really? What's happening at the park?"

"My family is having this shit where everyone comes together, you know what I mean?"

"A family reunion?"

Dave nodded. "Yeah that's what it is! But I'll let you come with me, if you play my boyfriend."

"I thought I was your boyfriend. Are you seeing other people?" Kurt asked with sarcasm.

"I thought you didn't like me."

"I told you I love you yesterday. Didn't I?"

Dave smiled. "Yeah. Does this mean your gonna be my boyfriend?"

Kurt grinned. "Yes."

"Well, let's go take a shower. They'll be here soon." Dave said as he wrapped his arms around Kurt and hugged him.

"Hello, hello, hello, how low?" Kurt sang.

Dave grinned. "What's that song?"

Kurt chuckled. "My song."

Dave playfully rolled his eyes and carried Kurt into the bathroom. He undressed himself and then Kurt.

"You know, I just got dressed." Kurt said.

Dave chuckled. "Well now your undressing."

"What am I going to tell your parents about my face?"

"Your face is beautiful."

"There's a cut on my lip and my cheek is bruised. Because of your dumb ass."

Dave sighed. "I'm sorry. I'll make up something and tell them. And don't tell them I locked you in my basement."

Kurt snickered. "No promises."

Dave wrapped his arms around Kurt's sides and nibbled his neck.

"No, no shower sex today."

Dave groaned. "Why?"

"Your parents are coming!"

After their shower they went downstairs and waited for Dave's parents to come.

"I don't know if I wanna go to the park with all your family there." Kurt said.

Dave grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together. "Don't worry, it's alright. Just stay with me, I don't talk to anyone anyway."

Kurt nodded. "Alright."

Dave kissed Kurt's neck and grinned against it.

"Stop, I don't want a hickey with your parents coming." Kurt whispered.

Dave laughed. "There's already three hickeys on your neck."

"Oh shit! I'm defiantly cutting your balls off and I'm going to feed them to your family."

Dave chuckled. "Your freaky."

Kurt laughed and kissed his lips. "Yes I am."

"Are you addicted to my balls or something?" Dave asked with a laugh.

"Yes. There so irresistible." Kurt said as he rolled his eyes.

There was a knock at the door then Dave's parents walked in, followed by his sister.

"And who's this?" Dave's mother asked with a grin.

"This is my boyfriend. Kurt Cobain." Dave answered with a smile.

His mother smiled. "Well he's adorable. What happened to your face sweetheart?"

"I uhhh-"

"He accidentally fell down the stairs." Dave interrupted.

"Oh." His mother said as she sat down.

"Dave has a boyfriend?" His sister said with shock.

"Yes." Dave answered.

"Your a faggot? Hmmmm, I should've known."

"Shut the hell up!" Dave yelled. Kurt squeezed his hand a little.

"Anyway, let's go." His father interrupted them.

"Where are we going?" Kurt whispered in Dave's ear.

"To the family reunion." He whispered back.

"Oh shit..." Kurt sighed.

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