Chapter Ten

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"Wake up!" Dave yelled to Kurt. Kurt slowly opened his eyes and groaned.

"What time is it?" Kurt said in his morning voice.


"Why are we getting up so early?"

"The trip."

"I'm just gonna stay here." Kurt said as he hugged his pillow and shut his eyes.

Dave left the room and came back with a water gun. He sprayed it on Kurt, making him jump up and gasp.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kurt yelled.

"You wouldn't get up."

"That was cold." Kurt whined.

"Aw I'm sorry." Dave pouted and kissed Kurt's lips.

"No no no. No kisses for you."

Dave pushed Kurt on the bed and hovered overtop him, kissing his neck.

"N-no, Dave."

"We have to. Unless you wanna wait till we get to the beach and do this with my parents in the room."

"Ugh fine."

Dave slid Kurt's shirt off and kissed his lips. Kurt slid his tongue slowly across Dave bottom lip. Dave allowed him inside to explore. Kurt breath was getting heavier as Dave massaged his tongue.

Kurt let out a deep moan as Dave began to suck on his tongue.

"We have to hurry." Dave said breathless. Kurt nodded.

Dave pulled out lube from his nightstand and put it on himself. He slowly made his way deep inside Kurt.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck." Kurt moaned.

"Do you like this?" Dave asked as he moved up and down and side to side.

"Oh yes." Kurt moaned and closed his eyes. Dave pressed his lips against Kurt's, kissing him passionately. Kurt tried to hold it back, but he moaned in Dave's mouth. This just turned Dave on more.

"Pl-please touch me." Kurt gasped as he felt Dave slowly erupt inside him. Dave took himself out and began to suck Kurt.

"Mmmm y-yes." Kurt moaned and bit his bottom lip. Dave began to pick up his pace, causing Kurt to shot his hips up and come inside Dave's mouth.

"That was amazing." Kurt said breathless.

Dave grinned. "You taste salty."

Kurt chuckled and kissed Dave's lips. "I'm wide awake now."

Dave laughed. "Well, let's go."

Both of them got dressed and got their bags. Dave told Kurt they'd be riding with their parents. It didn't take long before they came to pick them up. Kurt and Dave got in the backseat with Dave's sister, Lisa.

"Nice sex hair." She giggled.

Dave blushed and fixed his hair with his fingers. Kurt chuckled and kissed his lips.

"Okay I have rules. Since I have to sit back here with you guys. No kissing, NO touching each other, and no talking dirty to each other. You can hold hands and stuff like that but NOTHING sexual."

Dave raised his eyebrows. "I'll do whatever I want." Then he pressed his lips against Kurt's and kissed him deeply, he slid his tongue in Kurt's mouth.

"Ew stop!" She gasped.

Dave laughed and pulled away. Kurt rested his head on Dave's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"I thought you were wide awake." Dave whispered.

"I'm sleepy again." He whispered. Dave grabbed his hand and laced their fingers together. Before long Kurt fell asleep.

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