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It was the next day after the whole thing that happened. Through out that whole night, Jackie was being comforted by Sophia. After Jackie went to bed, she was busy comforting Finn.

She didn't think anyone was wrong, all she was doing was supporting her two good friends and comforting them as well. She knew Finn did it because of his manager, and she knew that Finn also had an option. She didn't think Jackie was overreacting as well, because they did have a thing going on through out the month.

I mean if you were in her spot, o bet you'd be sad too!

Jackie was dropped off to the Wolfhard household. She thanked Sophia and her family for everything. After that she walked in. It was early in the morning, everyone wasn't awake.

She quickly went downstairs and into her room. She sighed as she closed the door behind her. She tilted her head as she saw the not that was left on her bed. She walked over and started reading it.

It was the note that Finn wrote last night. She saw that it had a few wet spots. Her anger expression softened as she thought that he was crying. She hated seeing him cry. It was rare of him to cry too. She read through the letter as she felt her heart warm up more and more.

Currently Finn was up, he was on the phone with his manager.❞ I'm sorry but I can't continue this. I'm breaking it off ❞he said a bit demandingly. ❞ I understand. I'm sorry for all the trouble this has cost. I will not ever put you through this again. ❞ his manager said. ❞alright, I'm ending it today. ❞ he said as he then hung up. He sighed and put his phone down.

He heard a knock on his door which made him frown. ❞ not in the mood to talk. ❞ he said as he laid on his bed. He heard another knock, making him sigh. He got up from his bed and opened the door.

His salty expression instantly changed as he saw Jackie.

She handed him a piece of paper. He raised his eyebrow and took it.

I forgive you.

He smiled as he looked back up and looked down at her. ❞ I'm sorry for being an ass. ❞ she said softly.

Finn shook his head. ❞if anything I should be apologizing. Everything is ending today, I'm sorry for putting you through this ❞he said as he continued looking at her. She smiled ❞ can I have a hug and chill with my best friend? I miss you a lot. ❞ she said as she continued looking at him.

He laughed and then pulled her into a hug. He held her close as they stayed that way for a while. He kissed the top of her head as he then rested his head on top of hers.

Currently they were at the studio. They were playing and practicing, finding what chords they could do and what's their next song.

As they did that, Jackie was spacing out and overthinking.

Am I going too easy on him? Did I accept it too soon? What he did was wrong. Why did a note just change what I thought? Why did I accept his apology? He kissed another girl and just told me he did it for his manager/ he was peer pressured.

Does that mean he'd do it again?

As Jackie continued thinking, her eyes started watering. She felt her heart starting to go on quickly. Her breathing was short and her tears started to roll down. She breathed quickly and heavily as her heart felt like she's been running for miles.

Finn heard her breathing and sobbing. He instantly got concerned and looked over at her direction. His eyes widened as he immediately went over to her.

❞ shit shit shit shit.... ❞ he whispered as he looked at her. ❞ uh- Ayla can you go get water please? ❞he said a bit demanding as he continued looking at her. She nodded and went straight for it.

❞hey hey hey, everything is okay, look at me alright? Try to breath slower then you are now. ❞Finn said as he continued looking at her. His brown eyes were full of concern and care. You wouldn't understand how much he cared for this girl.

Ayla gave Finn a water bottle as he then opened it and handed it to her. Jackie had tears rolling down her face as she started drinking water. The tears stopped rolling as her eyes were just watery and her face was red, swollen and had tear marks down her cheeks.

She closed her eyes as she breathed in and out repeatedly. She drinkers water once again until she finished the bottle. She looked back at Finn.
Everyone was a bit confused. They wondered what triggered this.

She stood up as she pinned her hair back. ❞I-I'm gonna go get some fresh air... ❞ she said as she walked out of the studio and down the hall. She sat down on the steps outside as she sighed.

❞okay what happened? ❞ Jack asked as he looked at Finn. Finn was a bit serious at the moment. ❞ she had a Panic attack. I don't know what started it. All I knew was that she was fine then I looked over again and she was crying and breathing heavily. ❞ Finn said as he ran his hand through his hair.

❞I'm gonna go check on her okay? I'll be back in a couple of minutes, play without me for now ❞ he said as he then walked out.

He walked over to Jackie and sat down next to her. ❞ you're doing alright? ❞ he asked as he put a hand on her back, rubbing her back in circles. Jackie smiled softly and nodded her head as she sighed heavily.

❞ I'm okay now. Thank you by the way ❞ she said as she looked over at him and smiled a bit more. ❞ I never really had someone helping me through my panic attack. The last one I had wasn't the best. Sadly my parents weren't around, no one was at that moment. ❞ she said as she sighed again.

❞ no need to thank me, I was just helping someone I care about❞ he said with a smile as he looked at her.

Maybe she was right about forgiving him.

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