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❞ what the hell....❞ Jackie said as she looked at her phone. She sighed as it had died.

She continued walking. Soon enough it started raining a bit. Then it got harder.

She looked up at the sky with a small smile. It's gonna get too cold, I have no jacket... she thought as she then bit her bottom lip.

She walked into a record store that was close by. She turned around as she saw it pouring. She smiled softly as she watched the rain hit the road.

She just loved the rain.
The smell, the way the road looks, how everything look so glossy. The lights that also reflect off of the floor. She loved it all.

She turned about and started looking at all the records.

She hummed softly with the music that was playing, tapping along to the beat as she continued looking at music.

❞ hey Jackie? ❞

She turned around and saw her ex best friend.

Jackie was in shock. ❞ hi-❞

Before she could say hi she was smacked and punched. She fell onto the floor, the impact from falling so high made her pass out. Her forehead started bleeding, and such as her nose.

The workers turned around and quickly ran up to her.

One of the workers pushed Ems back. ❞YOU RUINED MY LIFE YOU FUCKING COWARD! ❞

She kept yelling. Soon enough the ambulance arrived and took her.

❞ hello Dawson? I'm here to inform you about your daughter... ❞

Shane was currently stressed out. He was in the car with Ryland, Andrew, and Garret. Currently Morgan was on a vacation so she didn't know about this whole thing. As they drove, it was quiet. All that could be heard was the cars driving by in the rain.

❞ how do you think she's doing? ❞ Andrew asked.
❞ hopefully okay, I'm not even sure on what happened to her... they didn't tell anything. Except that they knew who she was because they found her ID from school... ❞ Shane said softly.

❞ well we're going to see how she's doing now.. ❞ Ryland said as he turned into the hospital.

As they walked in and got the room where she was, they all walked through the doors and into the elevators. It was quiet.

It stayed that way till they walked into the room she was staying in.

She was still passed out. Her head was all bandaged. Her nose had a scar on the tip. Shane's eyes started watering. He bit his bottom lips as he looked at her. Everyone looked at her too.

The nurse came in. He looked over at them. ❞oh you must be her family members ❞ he said as he looked at them.

❞ how did this happen? ❞ Ryland asked as he had his arms folded. He had a small pout on his face.

❞they haven't told you? That's odd. Well what happened was she was in a record store, apparently from the workers, they told me that a girl came up to her and punched her in the face. The impact of her fall made her pass out. We have to wait for her to wake up but she should wake up in the next few days. Nothing too bad, she has a cut on her forehead from hitting the edge of the furniture, her nose was well from the girl. ❞

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