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Kennedy Davenport  picks up the newspaper and reads about Rio De Janeiro and all over Italy. "My old ladies, guess what I just read on the newspaper?" Ginger Minj  responds, "What did you read, my old lady?" Katy agreeably hisses, "I wanna know!" Kennedy continues on, "Good news! Four brothers from Rio De Janeiro have earned their Medals in the Congress!" Ginger reacts, "I cannot wait for my hubby and I to go to Brazil soon!" Kennedy picks up, "The bad news is...it's a hard knock life for the refugees all over Italy." Katya, upset, over-exaggerates, "I cannot believe we are going back to World War II; I mean, it will be World War III, plus refugees in Italy, US, Brazil-" she then takes a deep breath. After a long pause, Kennedy announces, "I'mma go wake up Pearl, her ass is one sleepy head!" Ginger responds, "Good luck with her." Katya adds, "She will stay sleeping to the extent of missing a day."

In Pearl's room, Kennedy goes up to sleeping Pearl, and whispers, "Miss Pearl." No response. So, Kennedy repeats with the slightly louder voice, but still a soft whisper, "Miss Pearl!" Still no response. Then, Kennedy repeats in her normal volume, "Miss Pearl." STILL no response. Afterwards, Kennedy sings, "Miss Pearl!" Once again, no response. That's when Kennedy shouts, "MISS THANG!" That's when Pearl, startled, wakes up, screaming, "Why did you wake me the fuck up!" Kennedy explains, "Because Pearl, it is eight o'clock in the motherfucking morning! I do not want your ass to miss a day or so, Miss Sleeping Beauty! Neither do Ginger Minj, and definitely neither do Katya! So, get on up, now!" Pearl sighs and gets out of bed; she then goes to the shower, singing "Sleepwalker."


Blair St.Clair, Miz Cracker, and The Vixen wake up from a loud, "BROOOOOKLYYYYYYYYYNNNN!!!!!!!" from Jiggly Caliente. "Thank you so much, Miss Jiggly!" Blair sings as she rises and shines. Miz Cracker agrees, "She's a rooster WOMAAAAAAAN" Vixen, on the other hand, responds, "So Jiggly is the new rooster/alarm clock as of this moment?" Cracker and Blair stare at one another and then respond, "Yeah." Vixen replies, "It's eight AM, and I'mma go freshen myself up, gals."

Vixen then goes to the bathroom to get her stuff together and winds up seeing...Monet XChange singing "Soak It Up" while in her tub with her sponges, in her LUSH-ous bath filled with Big Blue bath bomb, Blue Skies and Fluffy White Clouds bubble bar, and Delight bath oil. Vixen's reaction: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH! AAAAAAAAAAAH! I cannot deal with this shit! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" and runs back to the room. Louis the cat, in his language, mews, "I love Aunt Vixen to death, but now she is something else! Plus, she knows goddamn well that Aunt Monet is in the bath singing her goddamn song!" 


Four to five hours later, Lineysha wakes up to her sisters staring at her with smiles on their faces. "Puneta," April sings. "Echa, Echa, Echa'palante!" Yara yells. "Escandalo!!" Jessica proclaims. It may have taken awhile for Lineysha to be fully awake, but she finally replies with a nervous laugh, "What's happening?" And then, once she finds that her iPhone states that it is 12:30 pm, she adds, "Ah, ah, okay. I am about to get up, now." 

Moments later, Yara, in her swimming gear, is prancing through the hallway to look for Lineysha so that they, along with Jessica and April, can go to swimming. "Lineysha! Lineysha! Lineysha Sparx, if you do not come out of the bathroom, I will turn you into the mermaid with my Harry Potter wand! Lineysha! Lineysha Motherfucking Sparx! RAINBOW FISH!" Meanwhile, Lineysha is singing along to "Waiting For Tonight," a cover by Kandy Ho. However, Lineysha can only respond in Spanish, "Girl, I can shower again once I am done swimming." Jessica and April  come upstairs to find annoyed Yara, Jessica asks Yara, "Any updates, sis?" Yara responds, "She is having her moment." (Lineysha's singing to Kandy Ho in the background) April can only say, "Puneta, rainbow fish!" "Sorry not sorry, Bacalao! (laughs)" That's all Lineysha can respond; everyone else groan of misery.

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