Flying Overseas

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Phone Call from Rome

Back in Anitta's home...

Anitta: Are you all okay?

Trinity, Pearl, and Vixen: No. )in unision)

Anitta: What happened?

Trinity, Pearl, and Vixen: We miss our exes so much. )in unision)

Pearl: My ex fled to Milan to start a new life.

Trinity: That scum blackmailed me by tempting me to kiss him, so she left for Florence to perform as a showgirl.

Vixen: My ex is a mermaid living under the sea.

Trinity, Pearl, and Vixen: Seriously. (in unision)

Vixen's phone rings

Trinity, Pearl, and Vixen: Hello?

Lineysha, Violet, and Aquaria: Baby, we miss you so much. 

Aquaria: We so need you back, honey.

Violet: It was so much better when you were around, baby.

Lineysha: I think about you all the time, sweetie.

Vixen: We have been crying nonstop ever since the split.

Pearl: I miss you so much, I need you back in my life.

Trinity: Please, let us be two in one...


Anitta and the girls book the flight to Rome, but, things get sour among Anitta and the girls and the sassy male flight attendant.

Trinity: I am sorry sir, we just arrived without a warning, we need to go to Italy because we have somewhere important to go to. I was wondering if there is anyway you could give us the tickets?

Sassy attendant: Ooh, I am sorry, flight's cancelled. (turns to the drunk girl who cheats on her fiance with some other dudes around her) Hey girl, here's your tickets for you and your bi guy lovers!

Trinity, Pearl, Vixen, and Anitta: (drama queen gasp)

Hunky fiance: Bi guy lovers?! (In Portuguese) Missy miss, I knew something is up with you when you carry dildos, lubricants, gay porno,  etc. etc.! And you have been doing this shit ever since God knows when! That does it, the wedding is off! OFFF!!!! OFFF, MISSY MISS!!! (back to English) Hey ladies! Are you single and ready for Carlo?! I am going back to my hometown in London, England!

Ladies: (running to Carlo) CAAAAAARLLLLOOOOOO!!!!!

cARLO: Ladies, ladies, ladies, one at the time, ladies. (laughs)

Pearl: Oh fuck to the know, we have  our girlfriends waiting for us 5,712 miles away! 5,712 FUCKING MILES! So, please let us go to our-

Sassy attendant: No can do, bitch! (turns to a distressed Aussie travelling nurse) Hey girl, I got you on that trip to Rome where you can meet some cute people!

Trinity, Pearl, Vixen, and Anitta: (drama queen gasp)

Nurse: Cheers! (blows a kiss)

Sassy attendant: (blows a kiss)

Vixen: No! I ain't gon' stand for this shit! Either you give us the tickets...or I will fight you, bitch!

Sassy attendant: I am the staff, you are commoners, the rest of the human beings are beautiful people, and I DO NOT GIVE A SHIT IF YOU BRING A CELEBRITY, ESPECIALLY THE ONE WHO GOES BY ANITTA!

Trinity, Pearl, Vixen, and Anitta: (drama queen gasp)


Sassy attendant: (startled) Oh, hi, Ani-AAAAAH!! Carla!!

Carla: Aaaah Carla is right, your ass is fired, and these lovely ladies can get four  free tickets to Rome!

Trinity, Pearl, Vixen, and Anitta: Thank you, Miss Carla.

Carla: No problema, you can call me Carla, gals! I love you all! Enjoy your flight to Rome!

Trinity, Pearl, Vixen, and Anitta: Thank you, Carla, we love you! Bye!!!


These girls do a lot during the flight such as: listening to music, reading a book, watching movies and shows dubbed in Portuguese and Italian, and sleep.

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