How to get a defined jawline

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To me , jawlines are heaven. Beautiful, seductive and makes you 10x skinnier , here's how you can achieve that sharp jaw look if you want one !

1. Chew gum. This is mainly how I got my sharp jawline. Also assures fresh breath. 2x1

2. Exercise your jaw daily. It takes about 3-5 mins and it's super easy. Look up facial yoga!

3. Chin lifts . This gets rid of fat excess.

4. Massage your face

5. Clench your jaw for 10 secs. Do this 10-15 times a day!

Be careful while doing these , they can cause TMJ (temporomandibular jaw) disorders which are very very painful!!

go and slay that jawline babygirl!

go and slay that jawline babygirl!

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