Chapter 6: Story

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When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was Charlie sitting on the chair next to me holding my hand.
He smiled at me. "How are you feeling?" He asked with a low voice.
"I feel dizzy and definitely hungry!" I said smiling back.
"Not surprising!" He giggled.
I looked around. I was in a hospital room. It was only Charlie and I.

I looked at Charlie again. He was staring at me intensely with worried eyes but a small smile on his lips.

"I'm so sorry Emily." He said a tear falling from his right eye.
"Apology accepted," I started. "But also, I want to apologize for running away and not listening to you. I was careless and I want to apologize." I said with low voice. "Apology accepted." Said Charlie smiling.

I realized he was still holding my hand, when he started squeezing it tightly.
"I'm having some pain." I said to Charlie.
"that's pretty normal actually." he said and paused, "I will get you some medicine from your doctor." he said and quickly left the room.
After couple of minutes doctor walked in with a clipboard on his hand. Charlie walked in after him.
"how are you feeling?" asked doctor writing on his dipboard.
"hungry, dizzy, and hungry. " I said giggling.
"This is all normal Mrs. Emiily." said doctor smiling and writing down on his clipboard.
"Please refor me as Ms. I'm not m..."
"She doesn't like to be referred as Mrs. In public." said Charlie cutting me off.
"Oh. Right." said doctor winking at Charlie and than me.
"Actually that's not.. "I started but again I was cut off by Charlie.
"What can she eat?" asked Charlie changing the subject.
"Yes. She can. I recommend her some salad or soup first." said doctor, again starting to write on his clipboard.
"I'll get you some food from Panera." said Charlie, turning around to exit.
"Yeah, sure." I said but I assume Charlie did not hear me since he exited the room right away.
" we need to have you here for one more day to run some more test. Then, You are free to go home." said doctor.

After a couple of minutes of doctor's exit, realization hit me.

My mom didn't know I was in an accident. She didn't even know I was partying last night. My school?!

I freaked out immediately. Just as I was about to have a panic attack, Charlie walked in with his hands full of bags.

"I'M DEAD!" I yelled at Charlie while trying to get up from my bed.
"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked concern, leaving bags in his hands on a chair and walking toward me.
"My mom! She...SHE!"
I couldn't breath. My head started spinning. Charlie immediately put his hands on my shoulder trying to keep me in one place.
" I haven't called her, I'm sorry. I didn't have her number. Please calm down." Said Charlie confused.
"Are you insane?! My mom didn't know I was partying last night!" I said still with a very loud voice.
"WHAT?" Said Charlie immediately letting go of my shoulders. He was the one yelling right now.
"I didn't tell her." I said biting my lower lip. I was feeling extremely embarrassed.
"Why?" He said taking a sit beside me on the bed, looking directly into my eyes.
"Because...uhm...I mean..." I stuttered. I didn't know how to tell him the truth.
How could I? It would definitely hurt his feelings.
"You know what? It doesn't matter. I will talk to her. I'm sure she'll understand. I'm Charlie Puth." He said sounding proud of himself.
If he knew...
"That's exactly the problem. You can't talk to her." I said looking at my hands which was sitting on my lap.
"Why? SHE DOESN'T KNOW ME?" He said with a shocked expression.
"She does. She does." I said feeling even more embarrassed. I knew I had to tell him somehow. I saw his hands moving on my hands.
"You can tell me anything." He said with his most comforting voice.
" my mom hated your guts." I told him raising my head to be able to gaze into his beautiful eyes.
"And, the reason?" He asked confused.
" let me tell you the story." I said positioning myself to the most comfortable position because I knew it's going to be long story.

I started the story by telling him about my fan page for him. My mom hating it because she thought it's all waste of time. She always said I am an invisible person for Charlie. How she thought our age difference is huge and I would be focusing on studying. She never letting me going to his concerts because she doesn't want to give me hopes.

"And that's all." I said after an hour giving him a story of my life.
"Oh wow." He said with an unreadable expression on his face. " I didn't know I could be hated." He said sounding disappointed.
"It's not that. I mean she just wanted what's best for me." I said.
I wasn't sure if I was defending my mom or trying to make Charlie feel better.
I started to feel to sad telling him the story.
I don't know if I had mentioned this before but I'm a person who gets depressed when senses something she did hurt someone else.
Tears started coming down my cheek. Something I couldn't control. This was my life.

Charlie looked at me moving his hand toward my cheek, wiping my tears.
I could sense him getting closer to me.
He certainly was moving closer to my face.
I gazed into his eyes. He was looking at me with something that couldn't figure out.
Both his hand on my cheek, his nose touched mine.

Both his hand on my cheek, his nose touched mine

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