Chapter 8: First kiss

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I was shocked. "Mom?!" I said in a curious voice. "What is he doing here?" My mom asked with anger. I immediately froze up, not able to talk.

"Hi, Ms. Williams" said Charlie with a smile on his face. I could feel the little nervousness in his voice.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" I answered my mom with a question. I was trying to avoid talking about this as much as I could but I knew she was stubborn.

"This is the exact question I asked you Emily." Said my mom crossing her arms and looking at me with a frown.

"She is ok..." Charlie decided to answer with a smile. I knew he was trying to break the tension.

"I didn't ask you Mr. PUTH!" My mom yelled at Charlie. She was furious.

"I'm sorry." Said Charlie immediately lowering his head and looking down.

"Mom, look. I went to the party last night and after that when I was in a way to come to the home, a car crashed into me. Or I crashed into a car. I don't exactly remember what happened." I tried to explain to my mom in the calmest way possible.

"Whose party?" my mother asked raising one of her eyebrows. She knew exactly whose party.

Just when I opened my mouth to say something, she cut me off.

"No, wait. Let me tell YOU whose party! HIM!" She said pointing at Charlie furiously.

"It's better if I go out I guess." Said Charlie looking at me nervously.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered, looking at Charlie shamefully.

"It's ok." Said Charlie whispering too. He stood up and left the room with his head down.

1hr later;

"You can go home now, Emily. You're good. Also, remember, you can start eating real food tomorrow. As of real food, I mean meat and all of this good stuff." He said, patting on my shoulder with a silly smile on his face.

Since my mom had errands to run, she left after talking to me a little.

She was angry, disappointed, and sad. I tried my best to calm her down by apologizing thousand times and telling her the truth. 'Do you remember you told me that if I tell you the truth you will forgive me? And if I don't tell you the truth you'll be angry and I would be grounded for 5 days?' I told her smiling goofily while making a questioning face. That was it. That's what got her smiling. That's when I knew she was over it. Before she left, she told me that this conversation will continue at home but I wasn't surprised. This is always what she says but never really means it.

"Come on, let's go." said Charlie bringing me back from my thoughts.

"Sure, let me get my stuff." I said smiling to him.

"I'll wait." He said smiling back.

What a beautiful smile

After I got my stuff, Charlie hold my arm and guided me to the exit and through the parking lot. He looked at me with a smile.

"I guess we have to change the date." Said Charlie while opening his car door.

"For what?" I asked. Then it hit me. He probably meant the date.

"Tomorrow's dinner!" He said trying not to sound too disappointed or curious.

"No! We will go tomorrow." I said reassuring him.

"Your mom?" He asked still sounding unsure.

"She'll be fine." I said trying to sound as confident as possible. I knew it WON'T be fine.

"You sure?" He said trying not to sound too excited.

"I'm positive!" I said. I don't even know why I was promising something that I was 99.99% unsure of.

"Ok. Where are we going now?" said Charlie starting his car.

"I don't know. Maybe your place." I said. I knew I should just straight go home but I knew my mom wouldnt be home until later tonight, so, why not have some fun?

"Ok babe!" Said Charlie with huge smile on his face.


30 minutes later;

"Welcome!" Said Charlie opening both doors to his mansion.

"Wow!" I said looking around the big mansion while walking slowly on shiny white tile floor.

He had a huge living room. It was so clean and smelled just like him.


"Sit. Make yourself comfortable." Said Charlie while pointing at the black leather seactional.

"Ok, sure!" I said making my way to that beautiful sectional.

When he left the living room, I decided to walk around and take a look at his beautiful mansion. Everything about it was mesmerizing. All those chandeliers, paintings, and home decors. While walking up the stairs I saw his studio.


There it was. The door made of glass. See through. I peaked inside his studio behind the glass door. It was amazing! So many different instruments, specially many different pianos!

I decided to walk around a little more. The hallway was dreamy. The lightning was like walking on red carpet with all the flashing cameras. There were so many closed doors. Are they all bedrooms? I wondered. I decided to open one of the doors out of curiosity when I felt a warm hand rapping around my waist, turning me around in one motion. I gasped when that warm hand turned me around but smiled when I see Charlie. He pulled me against his chest. I could smell his amazing perfume. When I looked up, our nose touched. I was so nervous.

Ugh! All those freaking butterflies!

He looked at my eyes with tension and my lips with hunger. In seconds, his lips touched mine softly.

OMG, OMG, what should I do? MY FIRST KISS

I guess he figured it was my first time so he didn't go much further than just a soft kiss. He pulled away slowly and looked into my eyes, smiling.

His hand still on my waist and his face inched apart, he said, "You're so beautiful."

AND THAT was what made me lose my mind. I smiled like crazy.

OMG, those butterflies!!!

I looked at him frozen. Didn't know what to say. Didn't know how to act.

"Are you ok? I'm sorry if I hurt you." Said Charlie pulling away quickly. His face was full of sadness and concern in seconds.

I didnt say anything. The only thing that I did was to close our gap and push my lips against him, again.

 The only thing that I did was to close our gap and push my lips against him, again

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