Chapter 11: Alone time

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M: Y/N why did you lock the door?

You finally get up from Charlie's body and started to walk toward the door. You opened the door and tried to act like you were sleeping.

Y: Mom? What happened?
You asked like nothing is going on.
M: I heard your voice. I thought something is wrong. AND your door is locked!
Y: Ye...Yes. I locked the door. I had a bad dream that someone came into my bedroom, I mean open the door and come in, so I just decided to lock it to be safe.
You said looking at other directions. You were so nerves.
M: Oh. Do you want me to sleep with you? If you scared.
Y: NO!
You said almost yelling.
M: Ok, calm down.
Y: Oh, sorry. I mean no. I'm fine. I'm a big girl.
You said with fake laughing.
M: Ok then. Night night.
You mom said kissing your cheek.
You did the same too and went back to the bedroom and took a deep breath. Your eyes were closed. Then you locked the door and turned around but you didn't see Charlie. BUT A NOTE...
You couldn't read the note because it was too dark. How did he write a note?
You started searching for your phone and after you find it, you turned on the flashlight and started reading.

BABY, I had to leave because I think your mom or my phone calls does not want to let us make out a little. I don't want to get you in trouble so I leave as I come. Don't forget our dinner, tomorrow. If you could not make it I understand it completely. AND PLEASE lock your window! I don't want someone else to steal my baby.

'oh, how sweet' you thought. He wrote the letter so fast and it was certain from his handwriting.
You missed him already.
You thought and thought about everything until you fall asleep.

You woke by your mom's voice.
M: Honey, wake up.
Y: Mom?
M: Honey we have works to do. You have to wake up.

You stand up from your bed exhausted but you thought about your date with Charlie and it made you smile.
You got so excited and ran to the bathroom immediately.
After your bathroom routine, you went to the kitchen. The smell of pancake made you so hungry.

Y: Yes, pancake!
M: Yes, I made it for you.
Y: Mmm, mom, you good?

She was looking exhausted. It was like she was sad or something.

M: Oh, yea. Of course!
Y: Wanna talk?
M: No I'm fine. Unless you want to tell me something.
You said shakily. She looked at you in some other ways, but then she looked away and turned into her sad face.

M: I'm going to my sister's house.
Y: What?
M: I'm gonna stay there for a few weeks. Do you think you could take care of yourself or do you want to come with me?

You thought for a minute. Maybe that would be a good opportunity for you to be relaxed at home a little. You really didn't want to go to Alabama. It would be better to stay at home, you thought.

Y: Of course I can take care of myself, mom.
M: Are you sure baby girl?
Y: MOM?! I'm not a baby. I can take care of myself!
M: Well...Don't get into an accident again.
Y: I will be OK. When are you gonna leave?
M: After lunch. You have to help me to pack my suitcase.
Y: Sure.

After breakfast, you and your mom went to her bedroom to pack. You knew she was not ok because of her face. You didn't want to bother her by asking too much question so you decided to stay silent. After packing you went to the kitchen and started making lunch and then you heard your mom crying. You ran to her room and it was locked. She was crying so bad.

Y: MOM? Are you ok? Mom? Open the door!
You said nervously.

She didn't say anything. She was just crying. You decided to leave her alone. Maybe she is sad over something that didn't want you to know about it.
You went to the kitchen again and decided to cook (Your mom's favorite food). Maybe she would be happy a little, you thought.
After finish cooking, you decided to sit a little on the couch and look over your phone. When you opened your Instagram, your eyes winded.

502 follow requests

What the HECK?

@Charlieputh is requested to follow you.

Come on, Charlie!
Your account was locked, so that was maybe good!
Then you confirm Charlies follow request. So that was one of your dreams-to get Charlie to follow yours. You decided to look at your tweeter.

345 New notifications

Come on!
You decided to not do anything and just send a message to Charlie.


Nothing, WBY?

Thinking about you...

Ooooo! Really?

What? Is that so bad?

No...No, no, no, no! I was thinking about you all night yesterday. I decided to take a break;)


Are you good?

Yeah, my mom is leaving. She is going to her sisters home for a few weeks. To Alabama.

That's good. Maybe...

Don't know.

M: Y/N, can you come in a sec.
Y: Sure mom. Coming.

I have to go. I'll text you later.

Ok baby.

You ran to your mom's room.

M: Will you help me to get these to the car?
Y: Yeah! Why not?
M: Thanks, sweetie.

When you looked at your mom's face it was all red. Especially her eyes.
After you helped him with all the bags and suitcases, you went to the table and ate your lunch.

M: Be careful Y/N. Don't make my nerves at Alabama.
Y: Mom, trust me. I can take care of myself.
M: Don't talk to strangers.
Y: MOM?!
M: Ok, okay. Just saying!
Y: Oh god...
M: Now I'm going.

Your mom stands up from the table after she finished her plate. You stand up and hugged her goodbye. Then you led her to her car and last hug.
You watched as she gets far and far.
You went inside the house and closed the door and locked it. In case!
Then you sat on the couch and started watching Netflix. "Adventures in public school"
It was good and a little funny at the moment.
After finish watching, you decided to start getting ready for your dinner with Charlie.
you started with going to shower for 35 minutes.

3 Hour later;
You got ready and called Charlie.

Y: Hey babe. I'm ready...
C: I'm ready too. Look outside.
Y: What?
C: Come to the balcony.

You got confused and decided to do whatever Charlie said. When you opened your balcony's door, lots and lots of colorful balloons started flying.
You looked down. Charlie was looking at you smiling.
You couldn't help but smile. Then you run outside, lock the door and ran to Charlie and hugged him tightly. SO TIGHT!

Y: I love you, I love you, I love you.
You said three times.
He didn't respond.
After a long hug, he pulled away and looked your eyes. He holds your hand tightly and he put his other hand on your cheek.

C: Do you know what?
Y: What?
You asked curiously.
C: You are my angel.
He said coming closer to you.
He comes closer and closer. Your lips were touching. But something interrupted you. It flashed from the camera.

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