Chapter 9: First kiss 2

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Charlies POV:

I came back to living room, from the kitchen, with 2 glasses of juice but I didn't locate Emily. I knew she was curious and I knew she was probably looking around, so, I decided not to call out her name and just walk around to find her. I headed to upstairs without making any noise. I was sure she was peaking around there.

Just as I saw her opening MY bedroom door, I walked to her quickly, tiptoeing, held her waist with my hand and turned her around in one swift motion.

There was no way I was going to let her see my bedroom. IT WAS ALL MESSY!

I heard her gasp by my action. I was shocked too.

You go man!

She slowly looked up at me.

Oh my god those eyes.

And oh my god those lips.

She was hypnotizing and had me under her spell.

I dont know what came over me but I quickly pressed my lips against hers.

Her amazing, soft lips.

I felt her froze. She didnt move. She didnt do anything. Was this her first kiss? Or was she not interested in me?

I slowly pulled away and looked at her beautiful face. A smile appeared on my lips. I just kissed this beautiful girl.

"You are so beautiful." I said not being able to hold this to myself any longer.

She just stared into my eyes. I didn't say anything. I didn't move. Was she ok? Did I do something wrong?

"Are you ok? I'm sorry if I hurt you." I said freaking out, while letting go of her waist and pulling myself away.

I started feeling guilty until she quickly ran to me and kissed my lips.

I was shocked, but at the same time, I was the happiest man alive.

I hold her face in between my hands softly.

She still didn't know what to do, so I guided her, looking for an entrance, and she granted to me.

Our lips moved in sync. I was exploring every inch of her. Wow, she was amazing.

Now, she was the one who pulled away from slowly. She looked into my eyes with passion and a huge smile formed on her lips.

Ah, those lips!

Just as we were in THAT moment, she pulled away from me quickly and looked at her watch. "Oh my gosh!" She said anxiously.

"What happened?" I said, concerned.

"I have to go!' She said quickly and started running toward the stairs.

"What? Why?" I asked, walking fast behind her. She was running faster than a racer.

"I'm sorry Charlie!" She said in a hurry voice while opening the exit from the entrance door. She looked back at me for a second and locked her eyes at me. "Bye" She said in a cute voice and left.

I sat on the couch, not sure what just happened. The only thing that came to my mind was her lips and that was just enough to make me giggle like a baby.

I knew it was too early to say this but I thought to myself; I think I'm in love with her.

Emilys POV:

I was on the bus, on my way home. The only thing I could think of was the kiss Charlie and I shared. It was like a dream.

All I could think of was, what if we can't be one? He's a celebrity, and I'm just a normal person, living in a normal house, having simplest life and friends. What if he gets tired of whatever that's going on between us because I'm just not enough for his standards?

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