chapter 13

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at Mystic Falls High School 

Stefan and Elena walk into school together and everyone in the hallways starts to say something about it

Stefan walks into the school office.

Lady at the desk: can I help you with something?

Stefan took off his sunglasses looked her right in the eye and compelled her to him in all of Elena's class.

Stefan: Can you please put Stefan Salvatore in all of Elena Gilbert's classes?

The lady at the desk blinks for minutes

The lady at the desk: I will get right on that.

Stefan walks out of the school office and when to find Elena

Elena: hey

Stefan: Hey Elena you ok?

Elena: Yes, why wouldn't I be ok?

Stefan: Let's go to a math class or we are gonna be late.

Elena: I'm coming. did you compel the lady at the desk to give a list of all my classes?

Stefan: Yes I did. I'm sorry I know you don't like it when I do that. I had to so we could be in all of the same class together.

Elena:  let's go now or we are gonna be late for class.

The rest of the school went on as normal for everyone.

After School

Matt: Hey Tyler I need help with something.

Tyler: What is it?

Matt: I want Elena back so I'm gonna try and get her jealous of me.

Tyler: I am not gonna work because you cheated on her with Bekah already. Plus she is a lot happier without you.

Matt: What do you mean?

Tyler: Matt you hurt her that one time remembering when she was leaving and you got mad about something and pushed Elena and then you gave everyone an excuse by saying that she just tripped and fell.

Matt: Oh yeah you are right. I can't stand that everyone thinks That Stefan is so perfect at everything.

Tyler: You need to stop being so jealous of Elena and Stefan. I mean she is the one who dumped you.

Matt: You are right. Just something feels off about Stefan and I can't place it

Tyler: What do you mean?

Matt: I don't know. I'm tired because my mom is back and she came home super drunk last night.

Tyler: Hey, I got to go.

At Bonnie's house.

Tyler nock on the door

Bonnie opens it

Bonnie: Tyler what are you doing here?

Tyler: I need you to tell Elena to be careful.

Bonnie: Why does Elena need to be careful?

Tyler: Matt is trying to get her back. I don't know how far he is willing to go to get her back. I came over to give you the heads-up about it.

Bonnie: Thanks for the heads up. I will let her know as soon as possible.

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