Keep On

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Demi's POV:

Kehlani... she's so sweet and she thinks of others before herself. She doesn't like to listen to other people so when her mind is set on one thing it won't change but I have this effect on her. She didn't want me to help and let me sort out her flights so she could come on tour with me but I kept nagging her about it and she just agreed. I don't know how to tell her how I really feel and I don't think I should, it could RUIN THE FRIENDSHIP. (You see what I did there)?

It's 8:00am and I am packing most of my stuff for today when we land in Chicago and the night after which is the 2nd show. Once everything is packed I put on my sweats, normal top, trainers and I put my hair in a high messy pony tail. I eat some toast and take a bottle of water and put it in my bag. I make sure I got my passport and I got a text from Adam saying he's outside ready to go to Kehlani's. I shut the hotel door and head to the car.

On the way to Kehlani's apartment she wasn't answering her phone at all. She better not have backed out last minute. No Demi she wouldn't do that. She could be in the shower. When I check the time it's 8:55am and I told her to be ready for 9am I think she'll be ready.

We pull up and her windows are shut and normally in the morning they're open. I tell Adam one second and I go up to Kehlani's apartment. I knock on the door but there was no answer so I tried the handle and it opened. I looked in the kitchen and living room till I heard a sound.

"Oh come on for god sake! Fuck this I'm not doing it anymore!" I run through to her room and she's bouncing on top of a suitcase and I just laugh.

"I guess you need help." I must have scared her because her head shot up. She nods and whilst she's sat on it I zip it up in no time.

"Right Kehlani, have you got all your makeup, passport, phone, underwear, charger?" She nods and I take one of her suitcases out and she gets the other one with her hand bag and locking her apartment up. Adam puts everything in the back whilst we get in the car.

"Why do you give up so easily?" She shrugs her shoulders.

"I'm tired okay, normally I'm still sleeping." I giggle and Adam drives to the airport.

Once we checked in with the passports and tickets we went over to the private jet. Instantly we was in the air seeing as it was just me and Kehlani on the plane.

Kehlani's POV:

Yawned! I am so tired, it's still early for me. It's a 3 hour plane ride and we've been on it for an hour and a half and Demi has already been to sleep. I watched her sleep, not in a weird way okay. She slept so peacefully it was captivating. I heard her yawn and I instantly pretended to be looking out of the window.

"I could feel your eyes on me Kehlani." I look over confused, acting obviously.

"Who me? I wasn't watching you." She raised her eyebrows out of curiosity.

"Yeah right I will believe you when pigs start to fly." I laugh and she laughs too.

"Geek." She puts her hand on her chest and opens her mouth shocked.

"Not me! I'm nowhere near a geek. But anyways I told Sirah to book to separate hotels whilst we are in Chicago and she's just text me the room numbers which was one number, guess we are sharing if that's fine with you?" I shrug my shoulders because I honestly don't care.

"I don't care to be honest." She nods and she starts to play her music on her speaker and we kind of have a mini party between ourselves, sad right?

We was pulling our suitcases through the lobby of the hotel and paparazzi were flashing cameras in our faces.

"Don't you get tired of that?" She rolls her eyes.

"Definitely, but they're the ones wasting their own times. They could be at home with their kids but instead they're following after my boring life." I chuckle.

"I must admit your life isn't boring it's quite eventful and I've only been around for less than a week and I can say that already." Demi laughs and we get our room key and get in the elevator.

Once everything was put away we ordered room service. When Demi was ordering it I done a bit of researching on her, she went to rehab at such an early age. When she came and sat next to me on the couch when she was finished I wanted to talk to her.

"Demi can we talk?" She looked at me and nodded. "Why didn't you tell me you went to rehab?" Her head dropped.

"Because I didn't want you to judge me too quickly. I knew you wasn't a fan so I was relieved that you wouldn't know about my past so I would finally have a fresh start with someone." I nodded and held her hand.

"I wouldn't have judged you anyways." She smiled and nodded. "So you don't drink anymore?" She shook her head. "Well that's good because you can look after me now once I've had a drink." She laughed and I went over to the room service phone. "Hi, with that food for room 27 can I have two bottles of red wine please... nope just one glass... thank you." I put the phone down and jumped on the couch next to Demi.

We ate our food and we was watching Ibiza on Netflix. I already finished one bottle to my self and I was definitely drunk for sure. I didn't want to touch the other bottle before I got out of hand, not to mention there is only one bed so I need to keep my hands to myself.

Demi was sleeping and I was slurring my words. Every single one of them. I really needed a wee.

"Demiiii... Demiii." She hummed And had her phone facing me. "I need a wee." She giggled.

"Get up then, Kehlani you're not sober yet so please watch the step." I nodded and straight away with the blanket wrapped around my body I fell straight to the floor making her burst out laughing and my knees throbbed but I still needed a wee.

I got up and ran towards the bathroom. "It's coming out!" I could just hear Demi laughing in the background and I literally ran into the wall making me fall on my ass, wow Kehlani. You're never drinking again.

"Kehlani... Kehlani, are you okay down there?" I nodded and got back up.

"I'm going to wee now." I said ever so quietly whilst walking to the toilet.

I came back out and Demi had the lamp on and her phone facing me.

"Kehlani, sleep the alcohol off." I nodded and got in the bed next to her. I put my arm around her stomach and long before I knew it I knocked out.

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