Down For You

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Kehlani's POV:

Up to now I have done 7 shows in the UK and this is my last one in Manchester. It is at the Manchester Arena and I know I am going to love it. We have just done the rehearsals and I am just in McDonalds, it's really not that nice here and its so different to the ones in America. I am sat in a booth by myself seeing as Demi is with Dani and I can see this man staring at me from a distance, he is really weird.

I have to say something to this dude because he is freaking me out just looking into my eyes. I get up from my seat in the booth and walk towards him. I can see that he is moving his eyes all over the place. I slam my hands on the table. "Whatever your problem is keep your eyes off me!"

He bites his bottom lip which makes me sick to my stomach. "I was just admiring your beauty, can I have your number then?" ugh, men. I get my chocolate milkshake, crack a fake smile and slowly tip it all over his head. "Sorry hun, I like vaginas and one specific vagina." I tilt my head and head to my car. Once I'm in it I drive back to the arena because the show starts soon.

I'm outside the arena when I see this familiar man looking at me whilst he is sat in his car parked up on the street. I roll my eyes and suddenly I see him get out the car and walk towards me. He stands in front of me whilst my arms are folded. "So I know you are gay but I hope this will change your mind." I was about to say something when these lips attacked mine.

I pushed him off me immediately and I see a Demi crying in the distance down the street. "What the fuck don't you understand! I am not single you twat!" I slap him across the face and he smirks and walks over to his car and drives off an I can see that Demi is really angry right now so I storm into the arena.

"I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU WOULD DO THIS TO ME KEHLANI! DON NOT DENY IT EITHER BECAUSE I STOOD THERE AND WATCHED YOU KISS HIM!" Well she must have not seen it because I did not kiss him, he kissed me. "Demi for the fourth time he kissed me not the other way around." I am not going to shout at her because I will regret it later on. "Lani, MAYBE MIA WAS RIGHT YOU MIGHT NOT BE GAY BECAUSE TWO GUYS NOW!" She did not just go there, stay calm lani. "Demi, you out of all people I did not think you would say that. The only thing I could suggest is that if you do not believe me then we should..." She looks at me scared. "What? Break up!" She said it I did not but I slowly nod. "Kehlani you done this to yourself by kissing that random dude." She slams the door shut and there is another knock. "On in 5!" The tour, what am I going to do?"

Once I done my part of the tour I ran into my dressing room to avoid Demi so I can pack my stuff, I need some time alone. I know deep down me and Demi are meant to be together forever but I am literally too scared to tell her the one and only thing that could save us. I am rushing and I pick my phone up and book a flight to LA and it is in 30 minutes. I run over to the Tour Bus and get the rest of my things and I am stopped by Johnny, a dancer.

"Where are you going Kehlani?" I guess she has not told anyone. "Um... back to LA." He looked at me confused. "Me and Demi broke up because this random guy did not like the fact that I was taken and gay and he forced himself on me and even though Dem saw the whole thing she does not believe me." he frowned and nodded. "Do NOT tell anyone Johnny at least until Demi tells everyone." He nods and gives me a hug and I run to my Uber that takes me to the airport.


I want you to believe me when I say it was all him but I can not tell anyone what to believe so, we have to take a break but if the universe wants us together we will get there one day. I am going back to LA and I will not continue on the Europe tour with you, I just can't. When you're ready text me back and I will always be here to talk.

Kehlani 'Ashley' Parrish.

I did not want to send the message but I wont be able to send it for another 13 hours so it might as well be now. This plane ride is going to be lonely but soon I can't wait to see my family.


Sitting alone in the bed crying my eyes out for someone that obviously did not like me that much. I know what I saw, Kehlani did not make it any better because she could have punched him in the nuts or something to prevent the kiss from happening. There is a knock on the door and Dani comes in and sits next to me on the bed. "are you okay Dem?" Is she serious. "Dani don't act fucking dumb. Obviously I am not okay!" I see her roll her eyes at me. "You know what Demi you need telling right now! Kehlani didn't make the first move and you know it! you asked for the breakup for the way you spoke to her! I was in the wardrobe getting my clothes and I heard the whole thing! I suggest you fix everything with her soon or I swear to GOD Demi, this friendship will be over and it will just be business." i hear her mutter something under her breath whilst she walks out. "Say fucking to me, oh bitch!" I guess I have some fixing to do.

I pick up the phone slowly and start to type a message. When I see the name 'Babyx' a tear rolls down my cheek, I can't do it, it hurts too much. Maybe I will try tomorrow seeing as I have a full day.

Fate? (Kehmetria Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang