Everything Is Yours

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Kehlani's POV:

Last night was probably one of the roughest nights I have every had whilst I've met Demi. I completed 3 other songs and one was in honour of my mom, she isn't perfect in other people's eyes but in mine she is everything a girl could ask for. Demi helped me out a lot last night and tonight she's got her Manhattan show so we have to get out of bed soon. I check the time and it's 12:00pm. Demi's lying with her hair all over her face and her arm around me.

"Demi, you need to wake up." She moans at me.

"Just 5 more minutes please Kehlani." I shake my head.

"No because with you, 5 turns into an hour and an hour turns into a day." She chuckles and slowly starts to move.

"Are you okay today?" I nod slowly.

"Yep and I'm glad I've finished 3 songs so I only have to do one more but I'm not going to rush that one." Demi nods and gets out the bed and then I do after her and make the bed.

"After the show we have a flight to Cleveland and land at 3am then play the day after." I nod, I feel like the Europe tour is getting closer. Before we fly out to England, which is our first stop I have rehearsals in LA, 3 more weeks to get one more song done.

"This time is everyone getting on the private jet?" She nods slightly.

"Yeah everyone besides the twins, Monica and Rebecca because it's their little sisters birthday which they live here in Manhattan anyway so they will come the day when it's the show but they will make it, they always do." I nod, she's had these dancers for quite a while to know them that well.

Adam is driving the tour bus to the arena for the show in a couple of hours. The dancers are doing each other's makeup so when they get there they only have to get into their outfits and do their hair. Demi is still lying down because she said her throat is hurting her and I'm worried that she won't be able to perform tonight. I walk over to our little bed that we've been sharing.

"Hey Dem, hows your voice?" She faces me and smiles.

"It's better, I can still perform and I'm glad." I nod and she gets out the bed because the bus stops and Adam tells us that we are at the arena.

Me and Demi are sat in her dressing room and she's got her hair done and got her outfit on and she's waiting for me to do her makeup. "Come on Kehlani the early pass fans are going to be here soon." I nod and walk over to her which she's sat at her vanity.

I done her makeup and she's sat on stage doing her Q&A and I'm looking at all her early fans and I notice someone in front of the B stage, no she's here. I walk down the side stairs.

"Perry!" I see her turn around and she looks shocked to see me. I walk over to her and we hug. "Oh my god it's been forever! How have you been?" She nods.

"I've been good actually. Wow it's been quite a while since I've seen you, got another sweet heart yet?" I shook my head because I basically don't.

"Not yet. Do you remember our high school days? We was so in love till you had to move to Cleveland. Do you still live there?" She nods.

"Yeah, I've got to catch my flight after the show. I would have went to the Cleveland one but they sold out really fast." I nod I guess Demi has a lot of fans in Cleveland.

"Well I've got to get a plane tonight too, to Cleveland so tomorrow we should go out somewhere?" She nods and passes me her number. I smile and say bye to her and go backstage and I see Demi approach me.

"Who was that, that you was talking to?" I nod slightly.

"My ex from high school, I haven't seen her since she moved away in Senior year." Demi rolls her eyes. "What's wrong?" She shakes her head.

"Nothing, I've got to go and perform, I'll catch you later." I smile and she goes out to perform for all her fans.

Demi's POV:

I know I shouldn't be jealous of Kehlani but I can't help it. She's been with me for this long and I feel like this girl is going to come between us. I don't want to lose her. I just finished performing and we were in the car on the way to the airport.

The dancers were asleep on the jet and me and Kehlani were awake. I'm sat there staring at her and she's just giggling at her phone screen.

"What's so funny? Can I see?" She smiles and she shakes her head.

"I'm just catching up with a friend that's all." I nod because I know what friend she's talking about.

"So what's her name?"

"Perry Washington." I smirk and roll my eyes and just decide to go to sleep because I don't want to see her gushing over another girl.

We were back on the tour bus now in Cleveland and I can hear Kehlani on the phone.

"Yes I would love to... I knew once we saw each other again we would get back together... I'll see you later on... bye Perry." They are not in a couple already.

Kehlani gets in the bed and I put my arm around her instantly and she didn't flinch, one bit.

"So is she your girlfriend already?" She nods and smiles, great I don't have a shot now. Demi don't act like you was going to make the first move anyway!

"We never really broke up in the first place we just grew apart and never spoke about it..." everything else she was saying was a blur. I roll my eyes once again and turn over on my side so I'm facing the wall.

"Goodnight Kehlani." I force my eyes shut whilst a single tear escapes my eye, I guess I'm broken already.

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