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Kehlani's POV:

   It's been a week since the interview of Demi saying that she loved me happened and we still haven't spoke. I'm beginning to give up on her because I don't really want to reach out first and it looks like she doesn't either. I'm lying in my bed when my sister Aaliyah comes out of my walk in wardrobe with a suitcase.

"How did you even get in there, I didn't even see you come into my room." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I've been in here all night Kehlani and next time when I scream your name you better wake up out of your deep sleep so I don't have to crush in the wardrobe." I nodded and laughed at my hilarious sister. "So what trip you going on?" She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not the one going on a trip." I drowned my eyebrows because who else is going somewhere that needs a suitcase.

"If you're not going on a trip who is then?" She came over to me and pulled the covers off me making my body literally turn as cold as an ice cube.

"You are!" My eyes widened and she crossed her arms. "Demi's next performance is in 4 days in Paris so I booked you a flight to go over there and make up." What! Is she crazy?

"Are you mad! I can't just fly across the world to fix a relationship." She nodded.

"Oh yes you can and you are because I am sick of seeing your fucking depressing face for 3 weeks, you need to go honey." She pulls me out of the bed and pushes me into the bathroom, I guess I'm going Paris then.

I'm dressed and I'm in my sitting room with my two sisters waiting for my Uber. Aaliyah hugs me and smiles. "Go get that girl Lani, she's your happy ever after I can tell." I smile and nod.

"Thanks for all this Liyah." She tells me it's no problem and the Uber pulls up outside and Kendall stands up.

"You text me if she hurts you again Kehlani and I'll sort her out Alright!"

"I'll be fine Kenny, just worry about yourself and school okay?" She nods and we chuckle and hug each other.

"I'll call youse when I'm in Paris and be safe you two." They nod and blow me a kiss and I jump in the Uber on the way to the Airport.

Once I'm on the plane I tried my very hardest to get a single seat but I have to sit next to someone. She looks really young about 18. She turns her head to look at me so I smile at her.

"Is it true that when Demi said she loved you that you didn't say it back?" My eyes widen whilst I'm staring at her, I'm trying to be on the down low about this and she just blurts it out, thanks luv.

"Sorry?" She looks at me like I'm stupid.

"You are Kehlani right?" I nod slowly and she gasps. "I'm sorry I bet you just want a quiet flight to Paris didn't you?" I nod. "I'll shut up then." I smile and go on my phone.

It's been two hours and what this girl has told me is a lie. She said she'll shut up but she hasn't stop speaking to me about Demi.

I put my finger up to her lips. "Sorry to be rude but I'm kind of tired and you are keeping me awake, maybe when I wake up from my sleep we can finish this conversation." She nodded and I smiled. Finally some peace and quiet.

Ughhh, I'm ripping my hair out! I finally got her to stop talking so I could sleep and instead she dropped asleep and she snores! Now I mean quiet snores would be acceptable but they're REALLY loud! The air hostesses walked towards me and offered me some ear plugs so I gladly took them.

"How long do we have on this flight?" She smiled.

"Umm, an hour probably." I thank her and she walks away. I plug them in and try my very hardest to get in a little nap.

I'm walking off the plane so fast so I could dodge this girl because she is really annoying and I make it to my cab fast enough before she could make me go insane. I'm not being mean but she was really gobby.

Demi's POV:

I'm on stage watching the rehearsals for the Paris show. To be honest I'm not even paying attention to my dancers because the only thing that's on my mind is Kehlani, it's been the same thing for three weeks.

"Demi! Demi!" I shake my head coming out of my thoughts.


"Someone is here to see you, in the lobby I'm not allowed to let them through." I nod and start to walk towards the lobby because I'm trying to think who it could be.

I open the double doors and she's there stood there looking right into my eyes. Suddenly she starts to walk towards me so I start walking to. We are right in front of each other and she holds her hand out for me to shake it.

"Hi I don't know if you remember me but I'm Kehlani Ashley Parrish and you might remember our little coffee meet a while back now." I smile and nod whilst shaking her hand.

"Of course I remember you I hope you will forgive the jealous acts of Demetria Devonne Lovato and maybe we can start again." She shakes her head immediately.

"There's no need for that." I frown and instantly her lips were pushed against mine. At first because I was shocked I didn't kiss back but I remembered what her lips felts like and umm... yeah you know the story.

We pulled away and smiled at each other and she pulled me into a hug.

"Demi I blame this on you. It's been so hard I hope you understand me." I nod.

"You can blame me forever I'm just glad to have you back." She smiles and takes my hand. "Everyone will be excited to see you back." She stopped in her steps for a second.

"Slow down a second, I'm back for my for now but I don't think I'm ready to jump straight into the tour, maybe we could go back to old times and me be your makeup artist." I giggle.

"Kehlani I wasn't telling you to start the tour again because I knew you wouldn't I was just saying that everyone has missed you that's all." She nods and smiles. "Where's your bags and stuff?"

"They're in your hotel room." I smirk at her which caused her to blush.

We walked through to where the stage was and the dancers were sat down together on stage.

"Guys I have a surprise for you!" They turn around and when they notice Kehlani they all jump up and scream. They run towards her and they all doggy pile her to the floor full of hugs.

"Guys I missed you too but is this really necessary?" Dani punched Kehlani in the arm.

"Don't you ever leave so sudden again without telling anyone, do you hear me missy?!" Kehlani nods and pretends to salute making everyone laugh.

"Alright Guys I think I've worked you all out too much so let's call it a day yeah and I'll see you hopefully before the show." They all thank me and leave. Me and Kehlani get in the SUV and head to the hotel because it's 6pm and we have nothing to do.

When we are in comfy clothes and sat on the couch in the hotel we start making simple conversation.

"So have you really missed me or you just saying that because that's what everyone wants to hear?" She asked me.

"Yeah I'm just saying it, did I heck miss you the break was fun and peaceful." She looks at me and I chuckle. "Jokes. Anywho, what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"How about we go on a date and we go to the Eiffel Tower later in the evening so it looks really pretty." I shrug my shoulders and agree.

"Okay we can do that, it's a date." She nods and shakes my hand.

"Yeah it is." She sat there staring at me and I could tell she wanted a kiss so I gave her one and I could feel her smiling against my lips. I stood up and took her hand and led her to the bed and... you know the rest everyone!

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