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Kehlani's POV:

Last night was a blur, I just remember waking up needing a wee and falling over multiple times. I lifted my head up and it's banging. Demi is still asleep next to me. I took the blanket and wrapped it around my body whilst I left the hotel room. I got a bucket of ice with two bottles of water in them. When I came up nobody was in the bed. Demi came out the bathroom looking confused. She came over to me and hugged me, tight.

"Wow someone missed me." She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Kehlani don't do that again! Tell me where you are going next time you scared the crap out of me!" What's got her knickers in a twist this morning.

"Sorry I didn't want to wake you that's all." She nodded slowly and sat on the couch holding her head and running her fingers through her hair. "Well to make it up to you I got you a bottle of water." I smiled and she smiled and said thanks.

"So what's wrong with you this morning?" She shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't really want to talk about it."

"Alright I won't force you." She nodded and I walked to the bathroom before I stopped. That's not fair she makes me talk, looks like I'm going to have to be nice to her now. I sat back down next to her. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" She looked at me and nodded. "So... tell me what's up." She leaned her head back and she shook her head. "Fine, well I'm leaving soon anyways." Her eyes wide and before she could say anything to me I ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

We were both dressed and Demi still hasn't spoke to me and I'm getting worried now and I don't really worry about people too often. It's nearly 5pm and the dancers texted Demi saying that they are at the arena so Adam picked us up to take us there.

We was in the car and it was silent and a plan came to mind that could make Demi happy again, why don't I write a song for her. She would be so shocked and I know she'll love it. "Demi have I done something because you haven't spoke to me since you've woke up." She shook her head and no words came out, fine I won't talk anymore.

We was in the dressing room and I just finished Demi's makeup. She's on her phone and I leave the room and slam the door shut. I try to find someone that is really close to her and then I remembered she is really close with one of her dancers, Dani Vitale. I knock on her dressing room and she's sat in there and lets me in.

"Hey Kehlani, are you okay?" I nod.

"I need your help. Demi has not spoke to me once since this morning and I'm afraid that I've done something wrong but I actually don't know what I've done. So, I'm going to write a song for her and sing it to her when she finishes performing on stage. Now your job is to when you have finished dancing to the last song with her keep her on stage till I get on." She nods.

"I wonder what's wrong with her then?" I shrug my shoulders. "You are so funny when you're drunk Kehlani." I am confused because she's never seen me drunk before.

"How do you know what I'm like when I'm drunk?" She showed me her phone and it's on Demi's instagram and I think it was me last night. I literally don't remember any of this. I start to laugh.

"That's not me! I don't remember doing that last night." Dani laughs and I hear Demi saying my name, yes that is me then.

Someone knocks on. "Dani, you're on in 5." Dani stands up. "You can write your song in here and when you hear the song Tell Me You Love Me come out okay." I nod and she leaves her dressing room. I look at the notepad and pen and my face drops into my hands. WHERE DO I START?

I've finally finished the song and it's called Thank You, I think Demi will like the song. I can hear that it's her last song and I leave Dani's dressing room. I walk over to the side stage and go to the microphone people and ask for a mic and they simply hand me one.

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