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As Shuzenji requested Aizawa had shown up, even though the couple had thought it may not have been a good idea since the omega male ended up puking his guts out. But in the ended up continuing with the plan, mainly since Aizawa was being so stubborn. He made sure he had the old pill bottle and the old instructions for them.


It didn't take long to get from the couples house to the school and before Hizashi, Uta and Aizawa parted ways for an hour or so Aizawa kissed Uta and Hizashi goodbye then left to the infirmary, soon turning Uta into a pouty and whiny little thing, well more than she normally was since she took after Hizashi so much.

"Hey. I'm here and here's the-" Without another word the short woman took the pills and instructions and began to examine the objects given to her.

Aizawa opened his mouth to say something but chose to just sit there and pout. It didn't take long for the short woman to read through the entire piece of papers and the pill bottle. Her face had scrunched in annoyance. Something from what her expression was saying seemed to be missing.


"shut up!" She hissed and bopped him on the head with the rolled up papers he gave her.

He winced and surprised then shut up once again as Recovery girl continued trying to find out was going on.


Aizawa sat on the bed in shock, how the hell was he supposed to wrap his head around this shit. Shuzenji sighed with a frown on her face, she knew it must have been hard to be faced with what you were supposed to think was impossible. And on top of that have it come out to his class he had barely seen in the past day that he was an Omega. Also soon having Hizashi find out would be a huge pain in the ass since who knows how protective Hizashi will get.

"great. just fucking great." Aizawa growled, moving his hand from his forehead to cover his mouth.

"You know they will understand.-"

"Chiyo. My students aren't the ones I'm all that worried about... Hell most of them are betas anyway so it's not that stressful. Just Hizashi and Uta. Hizashi is normally a protect and carefree person. but adding that he'll have another pup and with his omega just doesn't mix well with us still being active pro heroes." Aizawa explained, using the older woman's first name.

She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"He'll be over the moon. and we have plenty of pro heroes to keep him at bay, and as for doing your hero job. just take a break and with the USJ training coming up you'll have 13 and All Might there and the other heroes won't be too far away so everything should be fine." She gave the taller man a caring and warm smile and let out a soothing scent.

The scent of spearmint and latex filled his nose letting him calm down and stand up. letting out a breath the raven-haired man nodded to her and waved her off with his new found information. Making his way to classroom 1-A, some how now feeling a hell of a lot better from yesterday and earlier this morning. Since Chiyo was now letting him borrow her spare elevator card until Hizashi and himself talked to Nezu about what they planned to do about this slight problem, if you could call it that, it was about 4 times faster than it would normally.

Once he reached the classroom he couldn't help but peek threw the thin window to see most if not all the omegas crowded around Hizashi in the front of the clas, completely ignoring the lesson plan and gushing over the tiny blonde baby that was set in the corner in her rocker that was in the portable play pen. She seemed to love the attention but it didn't take long for her to see Shota and start literally crying for his attention, putting ever omega in the room or school that could here her are high alert, well in the end everyone especially Hizashi on high alert. Aizawa walked in ignoring everyone and picked up and now happy baby.

"Im glad you all seem to like Uta" Aizawa said simply as everyone relaxed.

Once Aizawa was able to watch Uta Yamada carried on with the class as usual. Time seemed to speed up as the two stayed in the class with the baby, only Yamada acationally leaving to either grab or take care of things and the other pro heroes filing in to teach. Midnight having to be put back on track a few to many times thanks to Uta either waking up or going back to sleep

It was peaceful, so much so that Aizawa almost forgot able that morning, but the un-ignorable feeling of his organs, stomach mainly, being pushed around and his entire body adjusting kept the information clear as day in his mind. But telling Hizashi was something that needed to wait until they were home or somewhere, where Hizashi's loud mouth wouldn't echo. Even without the man's quirk he was loud. Before Uta's fits at night Aizawa was surprised he could get any sleep! But that was off topic.

The bell soon rang and the students began packing up. The poor tall alpha with blue almost black hair hung his head since no one, not even Nemuri or Hizashi would listen to him when he tried to get everyone to not focus on the baby. And thankfully the baby craz for the omegas could hold off all week so non of them would have to deal with heat week for at least one week.

And the second the couple stepped of campus Hizashi cleared his throat.

"So... your not dieing are you?" Hizadhi asked, trying to add some humor to the already gut wrenching conversation that had to be started.

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