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Also, Hitoshi is Aizawa's nephew, so Aizawa has a sister and in this, his father died at a young age or disappeared and his mother is still quite young since she had him when she was in high school. And sorry if this is going a bit fast.

"So... you're telling me that what your doctor told us last year was wrong?" The blonde asked, stepping out of the shower, his hair finally laying flat, every little bit of gel finally washed out.

The dark haired male nodded as he pulled it back and began to pull out of the fridge. Uta happily strapped to his back.


"We're having a pup together like you wanted." Aizawa droned on as he got their food started.

Hizashi froze with the towel around his waist. Soon jumping up and down screaming, sadly using his quirk, that he was going to be a dad(again). Pissing over everyone in the apartment complex, but in the end, because they were pro heroes didn't end NEARLY as badly as a normal person accidentally using their quirk out of excitement.

Aizawa sighed and continued cooking as Yamada took Uta and sat her on the floor, happily asking her if she was happy to be a big sister, even though she didn't understand a single word and began crying because he was being so damn loud.

"What have I warned you about! Now she won't-"

"SHOTA!!" Hizashi cried as the little began to laugh.

Aizawa looked back to see his husband's scrunched face and the choking gesture along with him pinching his nose. 'How the hell are we supposed to have another child when you can't even deal with one measly dirty diaper?!' Shota though.

This was going to be long... LONG nine months.


It didn't take long for Hizashi to run around the school telling every teacher the good news. Which in the end was the worst idea ever since who knows if the baby would make it to full term or not? Chiyo when she talked to him about the possibility she warned him to not get his hopes up over having the baby make it, the pills he was on were very strong and since he took them for so long there was some irreversible damage but not enough to NOT have a pup but just enough to make it incredibly difficult. He sighed as he tried to hide at his desk but still had all eyes on him. Hardly anyone knew and imagined him to be an omega so it was painfully shocking for everyone. And for the ones who did know they were even more surprised since they thought that adoption or surrogates would be the only way for them having kids.

"This is great Aizawa! Oh! But you must take it easy I refuse to lose you or have you land in the infirmary to much. Chiyo-san can only do so much for all of us" Nezu droned on, annoying the shit out of the already pissed of omega.

"Yeah yeah I'm already getting lectured by Hizashi. I'm heading to my class..." Aizawa growled, brushing off every teacher then congratulated him on the good news.


Once again thanks to the elevator pass he was able to get the class 1-A before anyone, well other than Hizashi which since last night was almost like a ghost haunting the poor man. He was where ever Aizawa was and was where ever he was going. And since Hizashi got off Scott free from most of his classes he was able to stay with his omega, which was annoying since Shota didn't need to be reminded about the whole "Omega need the protection of an Alpha or less likely a beta" even though it was mostly Alphas that rape omegas.

"What are you doing here?" Shota growled, not amused by the sudden protectiveness and cleanliness of his alpha.

"Well I need to stay close to my mate and I was dropping off Uta since we can't leave her at a daycare yet and today she was going to stay with you"

"Fine. Just no more mister protective. I'm sick of it" Aizawa hissed. 

Hizashi pouted and shook his head.

"No. I don't want you getting hurt. We may have Uta but I don't want this chance to get taken from us Shota..." Hizashi huffed, his normally calm and demeanor disappearing within seconds, scaring the omega even though Aizawa would never admit that fact.

"fine. but I swear if you go overboard I'll kick your fucking ass" Aizawa growled as the students soon filed in, Hizashi grabbing his things and kissing Uta goodbye then head to his class seeing as he had classes to teach.

Things went on without a hitch other than Mineta, an oddly shrimpy beta with grape looking hair, trying to prey on the omega and beta girls. Which pissed off a lot of the alphas but at least it was nice seeing them stick up for each other. And with class going for the most part, smoothly they had some time off and not having to head off to the next class or put the next lesson plan together Aizawa let the girls play with Uta.

"Awe~! she's so cute!" The girl with short brown hair as the girl with headphone jacks for earlobes gushed and playing with the one-year-old's oddly long hair.

"So... Aizawa-sensei... a-a-are you like... Present Mic-sensei's mate or something? I thought it was hard for two alphas to be together" the blonde with a lighting shaped black streak hidden in his bangs.

Aizawa was frozen, how the hell was he supposed to answer that when he only had an alpha facade. But before he could answer the frog looking girl timidly responded.

"Kaminari-san. it's obvious that Aizawa-sensei is an omega. kero." She mumbled, making them slightly snort but stop themselves out of respect for the beta girl.

But before they could speak up Aizawa cleared his throat.

"She's right..." Aizawa sighed, seeing no way out of getting out of this conversation.

"So... does that mean-?" a thin yet oddly built looking boy, his large green eyes lighting up along with a bit of hope entering the explosive tempered blonde.

"No. She has a surrogate mother." Aizawa stopped them, slightly losing his temper at the question.

They omegas seemed to sense this and back down, knowing that it was harder than anything for a gay alpha and omega couple having a surrogate parent coming into the mix, let alone normal couples whether they are Alpha & Omega, Alpha & Alpha(Rare), Omega & Omega(rare), Alpha & Beta, Beta & Omega or Beta & Beta couples gay or not.

"oh well, she's the cutest thing ever!" Yaoyorozu gushed, obviously not being the type to deal with awkward situations very well in the least.

"thanks..." Aizawa droned, understanding that this wasn't really the best conversation with a teacher and his students but it was nice that at least the students were willing to understand and support the older male.

"Also, before I leave and trade off to Ectoplasm next week on Wednesday we're heading to the USJ for extensive disaster training" Aizawa explained as he grabbed his things then grabbed Uta and her things with the help of the tallest boy in class.

Aizawa thanked him then made his way to his workroom.

"Guess they may end up knowing sooner than expected" Aizawa sighed and bounced Uta.

"ready to be a big sis in who knows how many months baby girl?" He whispered as he entered his and Hizashi's shared office knowing full well she couldn't understand a single word he just said.

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