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Aizawa sighed and picked at his food while sitting with Hizashi in the teacher's lounge. It had now been a month since everything had happened and Aizawa was, understandably, upset and not so touchy-feely. Not did he interact with many of the Alpha teachers, even hesitant towards the beta co-workers. Hizashi tried his best to give the ravenette space but seeing his omega sitting off in a corner still hurting made the man's heart sink down to his feet.

"Hizashi. Just relax... just come over here damn it. Your pouting is pissing me off" Aizawa shot as he shoved an onigiri in his mouth.

Hizashi tried to not chuckle as moved next to the ebony haired male.

"Feeling a little better?" Hizashi asked as he laced his fingers with Shota's.

Aizawa didn't want to admit it but having Hizashi right next to him and knowing the alpha had the best of intentions made all his worries disappear. Well until Nezu called them down to take care of the paparazzi outside who were asking for All Might, who wasn't even here at this given moment.

Shota and Hizashi sighed and set down their food and drinks then walked out to the front gates, greeted by almost a couple hundred reporters and fans. The two sweatdropped in reaction and tried to calm the masses.





The questions kept coming at lightning speed, almost everyone was asking between 10 and 20 questions a second. The two tried to calm the masses and tell them that he wasn't here nor could the enter the campus and that they were technically trespassing on private property. Hizashi soon leaned in and whispered to Shota.

"Can't we just beat them up? They are basically trespassing and I swear I just saw someone start beating the shit out of another person?" The blonde mumbled but was soon hushed by Shota.

"Do you want to get in trouble? And all we can do is wait for the cops to handle this. Not to mention Chiyo will kill us if I take any "unnecessary" risks that could harm the baby" Aizawa sighed.

"We almost lost this kid once. And in almost 3 months. I can't make any more stupid decisions" Aizawa hissed quietly and slightly pulling more shame on his shoulders than there needed to be.

"Stop saying that Shota. It wasn't your... fault..." the couple turned pale once they saw the mic that the close enough to pick up on the end of their conversation and the reporters soon turned to them and began their barrages of questions.

In the end, there was some sketchy information about the two that they needed out currently but everything seemed to fine except the alarms started going off just as the cops showed up. The couple rushed to where the alarms started going off. A large hole in the massive, reinforced steel wall, not just a normal one but it was disintegrated. As if it was decaying for hundreds of years.

"We need to warn the others." Aizawa snapped and rushed off into the building.

A worrying feeling built up in both males stomachs. Once Aizawa reached the other teachers they already caught on to what was going on.

"We can't tell the students. J-j-just... keep going as normal. But increase security. Iida-san has calmed the masses but I fear they were able to get the information they need or want. Nothing is missing but they may have to use a copy quirk or taken a photo." Nezu instructed and the teachers nodded.

Aizawa filled Hizashi in and they went on as normal or acted as such. Powerloader was already on fixing the wall as Snipe covered for him and Yamada and Aizawa were back to teaching their classes. Aizawa was glad that they were calmed and relaxed after that sudden scare.


After class ended Chiyo called Aizawa over for a quick examination since the sudden stress could have not been good with everything that had happened recently.

"I know I know Chiyo-san... Hizashi is taking extra.... precautions on everything." Aizawa sighed as Chiyo nodded, her once kind and soft look changed to cold and stiff in a matter of seconds.

"Good because this baby's heart rate was going up to fast. I don't know what Nezu was thinking in letting you go take care of them-"

"It couldn't have been them. The paparazzi and reporters aren't that stressful"

"Still. You know as well as I do that this baby means everything to you and Hizashi since you two always thought to have a baby together was never going to happen" she nagged, her kind eyes glowing with death threats.

Aizawa gulped and nodded. Once done whipped off his fast fading figure then exited the clinic. Hizashi smiled and walked him home, annoyingly kindly carrying their bags.

"I can't wait to see Uta-chan again! Our little baby angel~♡!!" Hazashi danced around like a noodle as they closed in on Midoriya Inko's house.

Inko stepped out with the small blonde baby with a wide smile as Uta began to mumble random sounds with a big smile.

"H-hh-hello Mr. Present Mic and Mr. Eraserhead" the chubby woman stuttered.

"Please. Call us Aizawa and Yamada. And thanks for watching her on such short notice. I know you have your hands full with Midoriya-san." Aizawa smiled politely.

She nodded quickly then handed her off to her parents and was soon given about 50000(about 500$) yen in cash.

"Its the least we can do ma'am. Please keep the change and do something fun with your son" the two pro heroes smiled as they walked off, leaving the small woman in a state of shock and giddiness.


Aizawa was once again cooking away in the kitchen as the blonde alpha tried to get her to say something. She simply ignored the older blonde and played with the dogs and cats.

"Kitty! Doggy!" She yelled happily as the dogs licked her face.

Hizashi and Aizawa's pride soon shot down as the girl yelled those to words instead of any form of dad.

"Well at least we have this one to try and get one child to say dad as their first word or... words Hizashi" Aizawa snickered as the mood lifted and Hizashi hugged and sobbed in both happiness and hurt.

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