Chapter twelve

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Jonathan/Delirious' P.O.V. 

It was 3am and I was leaning on the toilet for support as I throw up the beautiful feast I just had. I felt horrible and the only thing I could think of to do was to call to my knight in shining armor. 

"E- Evan," My voice came out weak and not long after I called out to him I could hear him stir before realising I wasn't there. Moments later he came rushing into the bathroom, He leant down beside me placing his hand on my back.

"What's wrong, what happened," he said with concern lacing his every word.

"I'm not sure food poisoning maybe" 

"If that's the case we're going to the hospital" He said this as he picked me up bridal style.

"I said I wasn't sure it's probably something I can sleep off" 

"Just in case otherwise I won't be able to sleep knowing something could seriously be wrong with you, okay" He said looking me deep in the eyes.

"Fine," how could I say no to those adorable eyes.

He carried me to the car and tried to even put my seatbelt on for but earn a scolding from. He tried to carry me into the hospital to but I insisted I could walk. After to waiting in the waiting room for what felt like forever we finally got to see a doctor. I explained all the pain i was feeling and where it was. He did some test and told us to wait here for the results. I ended up falling asleep cuddled into Even on the hospital bed. Evan woke me up when the doctor came back with the results, He had a big smile on his face as he beamed down at me. 

"I have great news for the two of you" me and Evan exchanged a look before we looked back at the doctor expectantly.

"Jonathan Dennis you're pregnant"

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