chapter 1

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virgil pov

nothing is worse than having an anxiety attack over your boyfriend dumping you without a reason as to why.he broke up with me for seemingly no reason.


virgil pov

i was sitting in my room waiting for logan to come as we planned. i heard the door open and in came logan, but he looked worried. "virgil,i have to tell you something." "what is it babe?" "im breaking up with you." he got up to leave when i screamed "WAIT WHY?!?!?! what did i do?" i said the last part quietly. he shook his head and left me to cry and worry about what i did wrong.

<><><><>flashback over<><><><>

still virgil pov

he broke my heart but didn't realize how much it did. I went to my bathroom and grabbed my razor blade and started making more cuts than I ever have. After I cleaned up and I sat on my bed,deceit came up to me and started comforting me. My stomach growled,I was starving but I was still to fat.

Roman pov
I went up to Virgil's room and knocked on the door because from what I've seen,he hasn't eaten in 3 weeks. " Virgil? You in there? Dinner is ready" he opened the door and u saw that he has dark bags under his eyes like he hasn't slept in months and he looks REALLY skinny. " I'm not hungry Roman." "Are you ok Virgil? I haven't seen you eat in 3 weeks" he smiled slightly and said "I'm fine" (we all know what that means) I was hesitant to leave but it felt like he wanted to be left alone so I did.

Virgil pov
After Roman left,I sighed. At least he didn't see my cuts and scars. I was feeling a bit anxious,so I turned on my favorite song,bullet by Hollywood undead.

I started to sing a bit quietly but gradually got louder.

After I stopped singing,deceit walked into my room and sat down. It's amazing that he knew when I was really upset. He asked what was wrong and I broke down in front of him. He pulled me into his lap and I sobbed into his shoulder as he whispered softly to me. After I was done,I told him about how Logan dumped me,how the voice in my head is getting stronger. He listened and told me he would think about how to help me. He left after a couple minutes of silence though and I was left to my thoughts,but my thoughts aren't safe at all. Then the voice in my head returned. " Virgil you are way to fat. Go throw up in the toilet and then see how much you weigh."

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