chapter 4

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.... meanwhile, as Virgil was fighting nightmare creatures...

Roman pov

What was that black streak in the sky? Hmm, oh well. The dragon spawned and I got into a fighting stance and I fought the beast for what seemed like minutes but was actually 8 hours and when I finally slew the beast, I let it disintegrate like normal and picked up my spoil of war which was the normal dragon scale. I wiped the blood off my sword, sheathed it, and took to the sky to go back to the mindscape.

<><>Time skip brought to u by our smol anxious Bean<><>

Virgil pov
As I was flying, I saw a pair of red wings soaring close by and realized it was Roman. I flew even faster and got to the mindscape before Roman. I went inside and quickly got the first aid kit before opening it and taking off my shirt to deal with my gashes after putting my daggers and bow down. I hissed as I put alcohol on the gashes and in my haze of pain, I didn't hear the door open or Roman come in until I heard a gasp. I turned to find roman with his hands over his mouth and his eyes wider than a deer in headlights. He rushed to my side and almost immediately asked me what happened. "Virgil what happened and what are those?" he gestured to my wings. "Those are my wings and to answer your first question, its gonna take some explaining." he nodded and sat down. "So you know how you take care of the good dreams?" he nods. "why do you think its so easy to do your job?" he gasps, now realizing where I'm going. "So you're saying... you deal with bad dreams!" I nod sadly with tears in my eyes from the stress of it all. "You deal with this every night?!" I nod again but shortly after, burst into tears. Being careful of my cuts, prince hugs me and lets me cry into his shoulder, but I soon fall asleep.

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