chapter 9

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Roman pov

After we shared our first kiss, we cuddled and watched black cauldron and other Disney movies until we fell asleep.

Logan pov(weird ikr)

I saw Virgil standing there since I was on the bottom and I felt bad for him because the reason I broke up with him was that I was cheating on him and felt bad and that's also why I didn't tell him why I broke up with him. It seems like it was a mistake though. (Btw they had their wings hidden when they were in the living room.)

Roman pov

We both woke up and I asked Virgil if he wanted anything to eat. "No I'm good" I frowned knowing he didn't eat anything yesterday no matter how hard I tried. "Virgil are you sure?" "Yes, I'm sure. Why?" "You didn't eat anything yesterday" he looked at his stomach and I asked, "baby is this an anorexia thing?" Tears gathered in his eyes and he nodded. "Can you please try to eat?" He hesitated but nodded. I got up and made Virgil some blueberry oatmeal and myself some strawberry oatmeal. Brought them back to my room and gave Virgil his and waited until he took a bite which didn't take very long, probably because he doesn't want me to be upset with him. "You don't have to finish all if it baby, just as much as you can ok?" He nodded and continued eating. I finished mine rather quickly and he finished a majority of his before he stopped. "I'm full." " That's ok baby, you did great though." "I didn't wanna eat though. but I was afraid I'd upset you or something. that and I think I'm fat enough as it is." "you aren't fat babe, you are actually unhealthily skinny. you need to gain weight, not lose it. he nodded and I cuddled up to him and whispered, "I'm so proud of you." He smiled as if he hadn't heard that in a long time. We sat in silence but as soon as it started, Patton came in and told us it was karaoke tonight.

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