chapter 8

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Virgil pov

Right on the couch was Patton and Logan having sex. It was one thing to kiss right in front of me but to have sex in a place that's open to people like me,I felt like cutting myself right then and there. But instead I looked at Roman who looked disgusted at Patton and Logan and he nodded and he picked me up bridal style and he took me to his room where I let tears fall but I didn't sob or anything. It just felt like a stab in the heart to see them together. Roman put on some MCR and lied down with me and hugged me. I smiled sadly but my eyes looked like broken glass. My hands twitched for my blades but Roman shook his head so I started scratching my wrist but he took my hand and ... KISSED IT! We both blushed and we were silent but we both locked eyes and leaned in slowly and i felt his lips on mine and he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly accepted. I parted my lips as he explored my mouth with his tongue. We had to break apart for air though. "I love you Virgil." " I love you too Roman."

Sorry for short chapter but this seems like a great spot to stop

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