prompt 2 - aj's news

639 14 8

AJ has exciting news to share.


She couldn't believe it. Just could not believe it! She had gotten the part of Carrie in her school's musical!

"I really can't believe I did it!" AJ exclaimed. 

She walked home to her family's apartment with pep in her step. Great news always made her feel extremely happy.

The elevator dinged as it opened to her floor. AJ raced down the hallway, her long blonde hair flying behind her.

"Mom!" she yelled as she entered the apartment.

"Yeah, honey?" her mom asked from the other room.

"How do you move in a bloody prom dress?" AJ asked her mom.

Her mom, Veronica, stared at her from a long time, questioning what the hell she had just said.

"What...the...fuck? Bloody prom dress?" her mom said.

AJ smiled and held out her copy of her "Carrie" script, which was flipped to the cast page, where her name had been printed in bold and highlighted.

"YOU GOT IT!" her mom yelled.

AJ nodded her head excitedly. The mother-daughter pair squealed excitedly as AJ showed Veronica the script.

"Did she get it?" asked her brother, Troye, as he and her dad walked inside.

"Yeah!" Veronica and AJ said in unison.

"This calls for celebration!" JD said.

The Dean family looked at each other, all giving knowing smiles.

The family walked into the 7-11 for their famous ice-cold drink. They got their slushies and got back into their car.

"So, you're gonna get pig's blood poured on you?" asked Troye between his sips of slushie.

"Yeah. It's not real though. It's fake blood," she told him.

"Wusses," Troye laughed, rolling his eyes and sipping his slushie.

AJ playfully punched her brother in the arm, laughing at his stupidity.

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