prompt 16 - peaceful

414 8 7

JD reflects on his life and how he got to this point


He feels like a stalker, watching her sleep. But he can't help himself but stare at the bump rising on her stomach. Their child. JD smiles as he sits down on Veronica's desk chair.

Two years go, the same Jason Dean would have probably been out murdering the school's cheerleaders. 

He wonders why Veronica gave him a second chance. Why she came back that say after the radio incident,  telling him she wanted him to get help. Had she not, he might have actually acted on the horrible plan he had been crafting since. Blowing up Westerberg High. But he got his help. And now, he was watching his girlfriend sleep peacefully on the bed they shared in the apartment they bought. 

JD watches Veronica stir slightly and move around. God, she was fucking beautiful. JD still had no idea why she wanted him out of all those handsome, country club boys at Westerberg. Jason Andrew Dean, a broken sociopath with no future.

"Our love is god," he whispers softly.

He remembers the night he found Veronica in the cow field with Kurt and Ram. The night where they got slushies and just talked in Veronica's room about life.

Veronica sits up in their bed. He dark hair is a mess, but she's still amazing.

"JD?" she mutters.

"Right here, darling."

"It's cold here without you."

That's his cue. He climbs in with her. She lets his wrap his arms around her, and together, they fall asleep to the beat of eachother's hearts.

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