prompt 14 - did you get her? did you?!

359 10 6

JD and Veronica forget something


The station wagon was packed. Sure it was only a weekend trip, but with a baby that wasn't even a year old yet, you needed alot. 

"Diapers, check. Bottles, check," Veronica muttered as she wandered about her apartment, checking things off the list in her notepad.

"Slushie money, check," JD said, winking at Veronica.

AJ cooed while playing on the floor on her baby mat.

"She looks so much like you," JD said to Veronica as he stooped down and took her in his arms.

"She definitely has your smile, though," Veronica replied, stroking AJ's soft tuft of light hair.

JD kissed the top of the baby's head before setting her back down on her play mat, and the two continued packing.


The pair had been driving for 15 minutes, and stopped at a gas station for their slushies. 

"I'll get AJ," JD said as he rounded the car.

He opened the car door, but there was no baby.

"Uh, Veronica?" JD asked in a worried tone.


"Did you get the baby?"

Veronica froze in her spot.

"I-thought you did..." she whispered, horrified.

Veronica and JD stared wide-eyed at each other. Without a second thought, they raced to the car.


"That was quite the eventful trip," Veronica said as she leaned back against her seat.

"No shit, darling," JD muttered.

"No swearing in front of the baby, Jason Dean."

"Right, sorry."

The two drove into Veronica's parent's driveway. The two were greeted, and then Veronica's mother asked the question.

"What took you so long?"

"Baby troubles," Veronica laughed, a little too high pitched.

"Yes, baby troubles," JD said, smiling through gritted teeth.

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