prompt 4 - dirty dancing

515 9 2

JD and Veronica have the night to themselves, get a bit tipsy, and attempt the "Time of my Life" dance from Dirty Dancing.


Veronica's parents had offered to take their daughter for the weekend to give the new parents a break. Of course, being the irresponsible nineteen year olds they are, they got a bit tipsy. And what did they decide to do in this intoxicated state? They decided to watch Dirty Dancing.

"Ya know the dance at the end of the movie," Veronica slurred, setting an empty glass down.

JD nodded his head.

"We should do it!" Veronica exclaimed.

The couple watched the movie and then excitedly stood up when the final scene began. JD and Veronica tried to follow the steps, although while drunk it was hard. 

Finally, the moment they had been waiting for arrived. Veronica took steps back while JD drunk-danced to the TV. The cue began and Veronica took a running start.

It did not go well. JD tried to push Veronica up, which only resulted in her falling on top of him. The two laughed hysterically.

"Veronica?" called JD the next morning.


"Why is our living room all rearranged?"

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