prompt 17 - yo boy

313 5 2

Troye gets a girlfriend, who just so happens to be a ghost



Troye bounded from the sandbox of the park they were at in excitement.

"Yes, sweetie?" she asked, brushing his brown hair out of his eyes.

"I got a girlfriend!" Troye yelled.

Veronica couldn't help but chuckle.

"What's her name, dear?"


Veronica stopped dead.

"What does she look like?"

Troye thought for a second before answering.

"Well, she has a pink robe, blonde curly hair with a red bow, and a blue tongue!" he said.

Veronica's heart stopped cold. 

"W-what did she talk to you about?" Veronica asked, her voice shaking with fear.

"She said that she likes Corn Nuts, and she wishes she was a nicer person. Oh, and Heather also said she forgives you. And a guy called Jesse James," he answered.

Veronica gave a soft smile to her son. For a split second, she swore she could see the ghost of a junior high school student with blonde hair smile back.


"Troye sees dead people?!" JD whispered-yelled that night.

"He said he saw Heather Chandler!" Veronica said

"Did she tell him anything?"

"Heather told him she forgives us."


The two stared at eachother for a long time. 

"Look. I was a bitch," said a voice behind them.

Heather was sitting on the two's bed. Still wearing that red bow.

"No shit," JD whispered.

"Heather?" Veronica asked.

"I wanted to aplogize. I did this with Duke and Mac already, now it's your turn!" she said back.

"We're sorry too," JD said.

"Good, so am I."

With that, Heather Jane Chandler was gone.

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