prompt 10 - bullies

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Troye experiences a not so nice kid 

(TW  - includes quite a bit of pretty nasty bullying)


"Where ya going, fag!" 

Troye kept his head down, his hair trying its best to make him invisible. He could hear the clunking of the older kids boots, and his heart raced to the thump of the soles hitting the floor.

"I'm talking to you, dickhead," the boy snarled.

He clocked Troye right in the head with his hand, sending him sprawling across the floor. The 8th grader laughed, before taking his boot and kicking him in the stomach.

"Hey! Stop it, you fucking asshole!" yelled a very angry female.

AJ Dean. His older sister. The boy immediately stopped and looked at his older sister.

"What are you going to do about it, gothic bitch? Go slit your wrists in a bathtub like everyone knows you will some day!"

Troye grumbled in pain, wiping tears from his eyes as he watched his short sister stare down this bully who towered over her.

And without hesitation, she clocked him in the mouth.


The car ride home from the principal's office was quiet, with AJ, usually very talkative, sitting silently with her hands folded neatly across her black skirted lap. Troye noticed her lip was split, her eye was black, and her nose was bloody, but she didn't seem to care too much.

"Thank you," Troye said quietly.

His sister looked at him with an expression that was weary, but told him thank you.

When the family arrived home, her mom and dad took her to their bedroom, where they didn't come out for a long time. When they finally did, the nose bleed was clean, the black eyes was covered, and her lip split had a small bandage. He also noticed she had been crying, and the tip of her nose was red.

His heart broke. She'd only been trying to help him. And look where it got her. This was all his stupid fault. 

During a very silent dinner he caught a look at her again, and burst into tears. The family looked up, surprised and concerned.

"This is all my fault!" he cried, holding his heads in his hands as he sobbed.

AJ's own heart broke she ran from her spot and hugged her brother.

"Shhh," she soothed, "it's okay. You're okay. I'm okay. This wasn't your fault. I told mom and dad and they aren't gonna ground me for eternity."

Troye managed to let out a laugh and AJ smiled. That night, Troye slept in AJ's bed, and the two parents couldn't deny they were just the teensiest bit proud if their daughter.

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