Chapter 10: In This Darkest Hour

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{John Mayer's POV}

After i read the Report, i quickly gathered all of my Best Chaps to be our small 'Task Force' to pick up Jesse and his friends and hopefully some civilians if we have the opportunity and also to sabotage the Jerries Military Facilities there which Consisted of fifteen troops including my trusty Marksman, Mike Brightenson. I gathered them all in the meeting tent. They wore winter jacket and various outfit of different kinds. Some of them also wore Beanie, Beret, Cap, Goggles, Eyeglasses, Boots, and Sneakers. Each of us have their own Weapons: Sterling SMG attached with suppressor, red dot sight, vertical foregrip, and bottom magazine; De Lisle Carbine attached with optimized adjustable scope; Self-Loading Rifle attached with red dot, vertical foregrip, and suppressor; Browning Hi-Power attached with red dot and suppressor; Mills Bombs Mk.4; Flashbangs; Smoke Grenades; Flares; and Flashlights

"Listen up, Chaps!" I called them to get their attention as they turned their attention to me, focused on listening me. I then begin the briefing of the mission I planned

"We got a situation in Beacontown. Beacontown is now under attack by the Jerries Fallschmirjager or Paratroopers. For the first phase they just sent only 100 Paras via airdrop and had already sent a Reinforcement of 500 Paras and a couple of Krabpanzers who were on its way right now. but for the next phase. And for the final phase, The Jerries main forces of 500.000 Troops, 1000 Krabpanzer, and 300 Hovercrafts according to the new updates from our Intel. That's not all of The Jerries Forces in this world. in their base in the eastern territory of this world they had more than a million troops, dozens more War Machines, and dozens more hovercrafts plus the entire Axis Alliance. Meanwhile, our Armed Forces in the west, only had 300.000 troops, 1000 war machines, and 500 war jet aircrafts. And who knows how many our Allies have in this world. For now We'll conduct our operation here in Beacontown. With you Chaps and myself, we'll go to Beacontown. We'll go to the Jerries Communication Center to shut down all of their alarms and then we'll find and rescue everyone if possible in Beacontown especially the New Order and evacuate them here. They will be a crucial part of this struggle against the Axis" I explained the plan to them before asking for confirmation "Got it, Chaps?" they all nodded and saluted me, i saluted back them before dismissing my troops as they exited the tent and went outside to their duty or whatever it is they're doing right now including Mike

Since i will be leaving the Campsite for the mission, I'm planning to leave Amy in charge of the camp with all my men. Amy's the best pick for leadership other than me and Mike, so it's reasonable for her to be a temporary leader. She's also calm and smart in handling stuffs. I walked towards her tent where she works and sleeps. It was a forest camo tent with the sign 'Amy Watson' written on the tent

"Amy?" I called her from outside the tent. A few seconds later, the tent's porch zip opened as Amy came out from it. She's wearing a white half crop tank top and dark blue short skirt

"Oh hello, John!" She greeted in which I replied with a smile as she walked to me " Is there anything you need help with?" She asked, clasping her hands together

"I want to leave you in charge of the camp and our group for a while. I will be leaving to conduct an operation in Beacontown which is now under the occupation of those Bloody Jerries. You think you got this?" I told her. She was surprised by my order, well it's more like request than an order because I didn't say it sternly or firmly

"Uh, You sure?" She asked nervously with a nervous smile

I smiled confidently before answering her question with confidence and placed both of my hands on her shoulders "Of Course, why not? I trusted you since forever! You're the best girl for this job" She hesitated a bit but she shrugged it off and gave me a warm smile