Baby don't cut

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⚠️⚠️warning triggering⚠️⚠️
You have been warned⚠️

Y/n's POV
I can't do this anymore. All this hate is getting to me. Jaeden's out, Finn's on his way over, but God, I can't do it.
"Slut, fat whore, useless, sinner, gay, bitch, fugly, anorexic, bulimic, dumb, doesn't deserve to live, kys," I read aloud from the comments of my most recent Instagram post. Yes there were lovely comments, like, gorgeous, hot, and stuff. But theres hate, love.... and creepy comments. One of the comments said 'boy would I like to fuck her', which really weirded me out, and it upset me too. I can't live like this knowing that tomorrow will be the same as today and yesterday, I get up, shower, dress, makeup, kiss Finn goodbye before he leaves for set, skip breakfast, sleep until Finn gets home, or if I wake up before he's home I'll read comments or post on Instagram, which is quite rare that I post anymore. It's obvious that I'm depressed. The only meal I eat in a day is dinner, and sometimes I'll even skip that, and say that I feel unwell or some shit, and even if I do eat dinner, I'll only eat the healthy bits. I see Finn looking at me with such a sad look in his eye, no wonder he's sad, anyone who had to go through the torture of dating me would be sad, and before he leaves for work he always gets all 'worried' about me. I have trust issues and feel like nobody could love me... but deep down I know Finn's in love with me, but I'm still broken. I can't live like this anymore. I can't. These voices are whizzing around my head screaming all these horrible words at me... until one thought pops in my head. Cutting. It feels like the only way to make everything stop. I roll my sleeves back, and look at the faint lines on my wrists, from where I used to slash and scratch and stab my arms.

Do it, Y/n, it'll make it all better, do it. Everything will stop. You'll be happy. Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. Y/n. Y/n.

I shake my head, and slam my fists against the walls, in anger and pain. The tears drop down off my chin and onto Finn's black sweatshirt. I find myself walking to the bathroom in Finn and I's room ( in this imagine you and Finn share a room at Jaeden's apartment, you're all aged up to 18-20 idc u decide how old u r ).  I open the sink cabinet, and reach for a small black box, like an earrings container, and open it. On the top there is a small note, which said 'don't open this box baby, Finn x' and I took the note off it, and shredded it to tiny pieces. And there lay my blades. The ones that I used to use regularly, at least everyday. I don't want to end up like that again. I feel like that again though. I pick up the sharpest one, and press it against my wrist. Should I really do this? Yes, Y/n of course you should, this is what you deserve for being such a failure. I begin to slide the shiny rectangle across my wrist, gasping at the pain. Suddenly though, all my emotions disappeared. The physical pain began to replace the emotional pain, and I felt numb. The voices stopped for a moment, then they began to come back. Do it again, Y/n. I do many more slashes all up my arm, and begin to cut the back of my wrist, as the blood dropped down my arms. Then the bathroom door suddenly opened, to reveal a distraught Finn.
" Baby, baby, no, no, no, don't do this to yourself, I'm so sorry... I'm never leaving you alone again," Finn sobbed, as he broke down in tears,taking the blade from my hands, and pulling me into a warm, tight hug, I wrapped my arms around him, crying into his chest.
" Finn stop, I'll get blood all over you," I whispered, worrying about his blank white shirt,
" I don't care baby," he whispered back, pulling away from the hug. He looked at my wrist, and turned it over, I heard a sob escape his lips, but I couldn't cry anymore. I had no tears left to cry ( so I'm picking it up picking it up lovin I'm livin I'm picking it up ). Finn picked up all the razor blades and walls into our bedroom, I followed him. He threw all the blades out of the window except one.
" Y/n, if you do this once more, I will cut myself, because if you're hurting yourself, then you're hurting me," Finn said, avoiding eye contact with me. He must be ashamed of me. I hate myself.
" But you don't have a reason to," I mumbled, wiping my eyes with a shirt off the floor,
" yes, I do. The love of my life is hurting herself, you're unhappy, that's enough to make me not want to live anymore. I love you more than anything, and I'd take a bullet for you in a second, any day, no matter what. God, don't do this anymore. I want you to be happy... why can't you be happy!" Finn cried, tears falling down his cheeks.
" I hate myself..." I muttered, looking over at the mirror in our room, looking at myself in disgust. When I looked back at Finn, I saw him rolling back his sleeve, and pressing the blade against his wrist.
" FINN I DIDN'T DO IT AGAIN!" I screamed, as the blood ran down his arm. He winced at the pain, and cut himself again,
" FINN PLEASE STOP!" I yelled, walking over to him, and yanking the blade from his hands, and throwing it out of the window.
" If you're hurting, or you're sad, or if you want to die or anything," Finn began, taking a breath, " then I am too."
I shook my head crying, " Don't. I promise I'll stop." As we hugged. I kissed his lips hard, and felt his warm tears on my skin.

Damn that was the shittiest thing everrrr, I bet some person will come and review this for fun, and take the absolute piss.

I don't blame em.

I have had to deal with depression, self harm, PTSD, Bipolar Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa Disorder. I haven't had the greatest life, but I'm stronger now. This is literally what happened to me last year. I was self harming and my boyfriend ( now baby daddy lol ) walked in and snatched the blade off me and cut his own wrist, to try and make me stop. It did. I don't even know where I'd be now if he didn't do that. Sorry for the extra depresso chapter, but if you know me, then you'll know that there's always gotta be a depressing chapter lol. Bye bye xxx

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